
November 18, 2016 0 By Elaine Arias

I’ve been meaning to do this forever, and I’ve finally gotten it done.  FINALLY.  Now I have a personal blog, at this domain I’ve been paying for forever, and I’ve even added a page with the summaries of the three books I am currently working on.

Now comes the long, arduous work of learning how to create my own WordPress theme.  I already have the basics of web design down, so this should be interesting, and hopefully not too challenging.  Sigh.  I have a lot of work ahead of me.

As for my novel…Nemesis is nearly done.  Well, the first draft was finished a few months ago.  Now I am working on the second draft – adding more scenes, cleaning up some of the others, and watching out for misspellings and other errors.  I don’t feel satisfied with it, and I do not know what else to do with it right now.