Ooh, look – consequences!

May 31, 2017 Off By Elaine Arias

The odious Kathy Griffin decided to pose for a photograph in which she held up a bloody mask designed in the likeness of President Trump.  The backlash was pretty severe – loads of leftists and people on the left and the right denounced it.  Today, CNN decided to terminate the contract they had with her.  She won’t be hosting CNN’s New Year’s Eve show anymore.

This is new.  Ordinarily, this kind of stunt would garner loads of praise for whoever performed it.  Just a couple of months ago that piece of shit Steven Colbert said, on his shitty late night show, that President Trump was Vladimir Putin’s cock-holster (honestly, that’s just projection right there.  He, and pretty much everyone else in Hollywood are all cock-holsters for the DNC, and they know it).  People on the right complained about it, and leftists, including the mainstream media, predictably praised him for it.  Oh, he’s so brave, you see, speaking truth to power and all that.  Nothing bad happened to him, his ratings improved and things are just peachy-keen for him.

Meanwhile, Bill O’Reilly loses his long-running cable night show on Fox News Channel over some allegations of sexual harassment (including claims that he bought the silence of his supposed victims).  Nothing has actually been proven and none of the parties involved have even settled the case, but oh no, advertisers fled the show anyway, so that gave the leftard sons of Murdoch all the reasons they needed to begin the great Conservative Purge.  Fox News is no longer worth watching, save for Hannity and Tucker Carlson.

Oh, and speaking of Hannity.  They decided that since their ouster of O’Reilly worked so well that the third time would be the proverbial charm (the first one being the ouster of Roger Ailes, who basically built the network, after allegations of sexual harassment – he died recently, and liberals all had collective orgasms over it, which is something they do every time a conseravtive dies).  USAA made the big mistake of declaring that they were going to stop advertising on Hannity’s show.  Their customers got mad and started complaining, and then they decided to pull their ads from Rachel Maddow’s stupid crapfest, but their customers were still leaving in droves, so they recently decided to reinstate their ads on Hannity’s show.  So it almost worked, but not this time.  They won’t stop, though.

Look at what they did to Milo Yiannopolis.  Accused the man of being a freaking pedophile when he was, in fact, a victim!  His career and influence was just too great for them, so they had to destroy him.

I’m not going to write up a long list of the people leftists have destroyed (Brendan Eich, Sarah Palin and her whole family, Carrie Prejean – just to name a few).  That might be another post for another day.

I am just utterly delighted that for once, a liberal’s stupid hateful stunt has bitten them in the ass.  Oh, her “career” will recover.  She’s nearly sixty and looks absolutely horrible even with makeup, and looks like a swamp hag without it, but she hates Republicans and Christians, so Hollywood will keep her around.  Just wait a few months.  That being said, this is a rare victory for our side.

Another thing I just have to mention.  I, unlike many of my fellow conservatives, don’t feel that she is guilty of treason or should be thrown in prison for this stupid stunt.  I think it’s doubtful that she would have actually tried to behead the President.  I do believe that she wouldn’t be too busted up if someone had been inspired to behead the President after seeing that image.  But the Secret Service takes this stuff seriously, and I am glad they’re looking into it.  I’m all for free speech.  It’s their right to express their opinions even if it’s odious.

But liberals constantly point out that they support our right to hold the opinions we do and that we have the right to express them, but that there are consequences.  Oh, but those consequences usually take the form of the total ruination of a given conservative’s life.  Like, for example, Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of the Oregon bakery Sweet Cakes.  They declined to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding and were fined heavily for it, and also got loads of death threats from disgruntled gay allies because of it.  Yes, liberals think that it’s perfectly okay to send someone death threats because you said something they don’t like.  Consequences, you see.

Well, now Kathy Griffin and her friends know what it’s like to be the Kleins, and they deserve it.  Griffin will recover…the Kleins, in all likelihood, will not.  But for today, I will enjoy the sweet, sweet schadenfreude.