Taylor bends the knee

October 7, 2018 0 By Elaine Arias

Or, in other words, says FUCK YOU to half of her fans.


So, as you can see here, she basically uses every single bullshit leftist talking point:

  1. Characterizes Rep. Blackburn and all Republicans as people that believe gays aren’t deserving of any rights.  This isn’t true.  Even supporting traditional marriage does not mean one wants to deny gay people rights.  Furthermore, this whole notion that a gay person’s rights are tied up in marriage is ridiculous.  You can have a long, fulfilling relationship without the benefits marriage confers to people, and if you need those, you could give your partner power of attorney.  Even so…whatever.  I don’t feel like arguing that right now.  Bottom line is, she’s lying about Rep. Blackburn and she’s lying about everyone who supports traditional marriage.
  2. She bitches about “systemic racism” which is just more bullshit.  More garbage made up by the left to splinter us all and make it easier for them to buy votes and remain in power.  Nothing new here.
  3. It’s not the government’s role to fight for anybody’s dignity.  What the fuck?  And what about the dignity of Christians who do not want to participate in what is essentially blasphemy?  Oh, they don’t deserve any rights, according to Taylor Swift.  Sarah Sanders and Ted Cruz can be hounded out of restaurants and there’s nothing wrong with discriminating against them, but don’t discriminate against dykes like Taylor!  This hypocrisy pisses me the fuck off.
  4. Rep. Blackburn voted against the equal pay act Taylor mentions because it was pointless and would not have solved the problem.  Also, there is no problem to be solved.  This has been debunked over and over again, even by Time and Newsweek.
  5. That violence against women act is also pointless.  It’s still illegal to assault people.  Why do we need another law?
  6. If businesses have a right to refuse service to Republicans and conservatives, then Christians should have the right to refuse service to gay people.  Of course, the left isn’t being entirely honest with this talking point.  The issue was always very specific – Christian businesses, mostly those that offer wedding-related services, did not want to provide said services for gay marriages, of which many found blasphemous.  Expecting Christians to provide services for blasphemy is like expecting Muslims to serve pork in their restaurants, even though they cannot countenance being near pork.  The service was always denied in the case of a marriage, but if a gay person just wanted to buy donuts, they were not denied.  If a gay person wanted a floral delivery for a birthday or anniversary, they were not denied.  If a gay person wanted photography services for a family reunion or whatever, they were not denied.  But when it came to marriage, they were denied because doing so is basically committing blasphemy.  You want to compel Christians to commit blasphemy, and when they resist, you call them bigots.  That’s despicable and that is fucking low.

She also got in a dig against Trump (whining about how she just had to speak out given what’s happened in the past two years).  Trump is the most pro-gay President we’ve ever had.  He’s been for gay rights since the before his candidacy.  Furthermore, he fully embraced their support during his candidacy.  Obama and Hillary Clinton were johnny-come-latelys, only bothering to do so when it was popular, and only because Obama was up for reelection.  And yet this is how she repays him.

You know, the only reason why she made this post is because of Kavanaugh getting on the Supreme Court.  The Dems want their majority so they can impeach him (even though they will have to wait for him to actually commit a crime as a Justice of the Supreme Court).  They must have offered her the moon and the stars to get her to do this.

The chans are gonna be pissed.  She can kiss half her fanbase goodbye after this.  Not only did she insult them, she basically told them who to vote for.  Oh, she didn’t say so in those exact words, but most celebs are clever like that.  They don’t outright say “you need to vote for so-and-so” but they implore you to vote, assuming that you will vote the way they want you to.  And she wants all of you in Tennessee and around the country to vote Democrat.

Well, excuse me, but fuck that.  I’ve never voted anything other than Republican and I will never vote Democrat.