The State of Clown World
So a lot has happened over the past few days. The President gave an excellent State of the Union address and for some stupid reason, Nancy Pelosi felt it necessary to tear her copy of the address in half.
That was yesterday. Today, after three years of the Democrats making stupid shit up to impeach the Bad Orange Man, their stupid sham finally came to an end – President Trump was acquitted of both bullshit charges.
Oh, and on Monday the Democrats held their first caucus in Iowa, and stupidly used some app developed by former Clinton and Obama staffers (and funded by Soros and Pete Buttigieg, or however the fuck you spell that fruit’s name) to count the votes…and it absolutely blew up in their faces, as the app didn’t work for some reason. Yes, the Dems can’t even fucking count.
I also don’t want to forget that Rush Limbaugh recently announced that he has late stage lung cancer, and that the President surprised him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest honor that can be bestowed on civilians. I think Limbaugh knew he was going to get it, but was surprised that it was awarded at the SOTU. First Lady Melania Trump actually draped the medal around his neck; the President usually does this. So it must have been a pleasant surprise, and it must have pissed off the asshole Democrats in the room, because they had to watch it happen.
I have found all of this very, very amusing. I’ll leave you with the best acquittal memes I’ve found so far.
I’l add some more as I find them. Sorry for not posting often enough. I am going to try to post more often, but I do work full time and get home late. My goal is to make a new post at least every Sunday.