They’ll All Burn
I haven’t been keeping a terribly close eye on the trial of Derek Chauvin, the police officer who was photographed with his knee on the neck of St. George Floyd, but I’ve been reading about it here and there (Legal Insurrection has the best coverage, in my opinion) and the defense put up a really, really good case in favor of their client. That being said, I personally believe that the jury will just basically convict him of something out of fear for their lives, and due to the bias of one juror, who registered to vote just so she could be chosen for this jury, and will likely believe he’s an evil racist murderer regardless of the actual evidence.
So Minneapolis and other major cities, including Portland, OR, will likely burn since the defense rested this week and the jury’s deliberations begin tomorrow. I do not know how long they’ll deliberate, obviously, but when they do reach a decision, if it’s anything less than TOTAL CONVICTION CUZ MUH RACISM U GUISE leftists everywhere will loses their damn minds and start burning shit down…again.
In fact, there’s been a couple of shootings and leftists in certain cities have already lost their damn minds. In fact, the Apple Store in Portland, OR has already been set on fire:
This bums me out because, yes, I know that Apple is just as much of an enemy as Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Twitter (even as I type this on my MacBook Pro), but ever since that Apple Store replaced the Saks Fifth Avenue that used to be there, I’ve wanted to go, because it looked huge. I am sure Apple will have no problem fixing the damage and such, but still. Why these people pander to the ANTIFA monsters, I don’t know. Apple routinely virtue signals in support of these monsters, and this is how they repay them.
Anyway, I used to live in Oregon, and my parents and siblings still live there. I visited Portland twice last year – during the summer and in the fall. The second time I went, I took pictures of downtown Portland, where some rioting occurred in the spring of 2020.
I used to work in Lake Oswego, and one of my employer’s clients was headquartered in downtown Portland, close to the Lloyd Center mall. Whenever we’d work at the client site, I’d take the Max to the mall or the Quiznos that was two blocks away (that Quiznos is now a convenience store).
Back in 2003, I’d ride to work with my dad, and he would drop me off at a bus stop next to Pioneer Place, an upscale mall on the other side of the river, and I’d go to the downstairs Starbucks in the mall for breakfast and then to the newsstand a block away for some magazines to read on my lunch break (and a block or so away from the mall was a Borders bookstore, of which closed when Borders went out of business, and I’d always want to go there, but was afraid to miss the bus, so I never went much). That bus stop is now a Max stop, serving one of the new lines (the orange one, I think).
I was so happy to go back to Portland after being away for so long, and was only a little bit apprehensive of going there, given that there was indeed rioting at looting at the Pioneer Place mall. I went during the day, however, and by the time I did go, the rioting and looting had long been over. However, there was still plenty of evidence of what had happened, since the entire street level of Pioneer Place and the Apple Store were boarded up. Most of those boards were covered in murals, and yes, the messaging is obnoxious leftist crap. I took some pictures with my iPhone.
I have something to say about the sentiments expressed in this particular mural, or bit of graffiti, if you prefer. The only reason why any of you live in fear is because you believe the bullshit the mainstream media feeds into your brain. You look into any of the cases BLM and the media keeps shrieking about, and you’ll see that nearly every single one of them was actively resisting arrest. Resisting arrest is a crime. If you’re pulled over or stopped by a cop, cooperate with them, stay calm, and if you have reason to complain about their conduct, get their name and badge number, and make a report once you’re safely away from them. DUH. A family member actually called the cops on me when I was having a serious mental episode, and yet I wasn’t shot or anything…why? Because I didn’t act like a damn fool, that’s why! I cooperated with them (which, to be fair, merely consisted of answering their questions as I had calmed down by the time they arrived…mental illness sucks).
There’s some more photos in the Flickr album – some interior shots of the very dead Pioneer Place mall, and also some interior shots of the equally dead Lloyd Center Mall. I also took a couple of pictures of the art installation at the Pioneer Courthouse Square.
I should have posted these months ago, but I didn’t have the room on my computer to accommodate these pictures, and now I do. I decided to go ahead and post these now because regardless of the Chauvin trial’s outcome, Portland will likely burn again, and who knows what kind of damage will be done. I hope I am wrong, but I know I won’t be.
Featured photo: Photo by Tabitha Mort from Pexels. All other photos taken by me.