A Fringe Minority Arrives in Ottawa
Update 3:36 pm PST: Just had to share this fun video of the Freedom Convoy (courtesy of patriots.win of course):
Update 2:37 pm PST: I’m running errands right now, and am not home. Will pop in for more updates soon.
Update 12:49 pm PST: Good photo essay from The Daily Mail
Update 12:35 pm PST: Here is some coverage from CPAC – sorry, it is live. I thought it wasn’t.
Update 12:30 pm PST: The first livestream I posted has garbage commentary, but I’ll leave it up because it’s a bunch of different feeds all at once, but the woman running that stream is a puerile bimbo. Sorry, not sorry. I, personally, have switched to Rebel News’s coverage as it’s at least professional.
Update 12:21 pm PST: Good opinion piece from The National Post:
Rex Murphy: Should Justin Trudeau be deciding what views are ‘acceptable’? | National Post
Update 12:14 pm PST: Okay, another update: a really good opinion piece from American Thinker:
The elites’ morally obscene response to the Canadian trucker convoy – American Thinker
And a hilarious meme from patriots.win, lest anyone forget Trudeau’s many instances of prancing around in blackface:
Update 12:11 pm PST: So here is a revolting report from the Associated Press, courtesy of ABC News:
Ottawa police get reinforcements as anti-vax convoy arrives – ABC News (go.com)
They’re building the whole “omg violence u guise” narrative.
Update 12:06 pm PST: Global News, part of the MSM in Canada, is whining about right-leaning politicians criticizing the media, and is incredibly biased towards the left throughout the piece.
Yeah, way to prove their point, you twats! Expect more of this nonsense as the day wears on.
Update 12:04 pm PST: A livestream from downtown Ottawa, courtesy of Ottawalks (and patriots.win):
Update 11:24 am: The Independent’s report on Cuckdeau fleeing Ottawa, PM’s office has not confirmed it.
Update 11:11 am: Cuckdeau and his family have fled to an undisclosed location. Gee, wonder why *eyeroll*
They’re trying to characterize the convoy as a bunch of violent, racist white nationalists. In other words, January 6 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Update 10:58 am PST: Here is Rebel News’s Live Coverage of the convoy, hosted on Rumble if you don’t want to watch anything on YouTube.
🔴LIVE COVERAGE: Freedom Convoy arrives in Ottawa
Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. https://www.RebelNews.com for more great Rebel content. Please consider supporting Rebel News by making a donation, purchasing a RebelNews+ subscriptio
Update 10:44 am PST: A while ago some American truckers have joined the convoy. Part of the convoy has already arrived in Ottawa, and it’s still coming in.
American Truckers Drive North to Join Canada’s Freedom Convy (legalinsurrection.com)
In the meantime, enjoy this spicy meme of Canada’s cowardly prime minister (courtesy of patriots.win):
So I woke up early this morning to watch the livestreams of the trucker convoy arriving in Ottawa, and of course, to do my laundry.
Truckers in Canada are protesting their country’s bullshit mask and vaccine mandates, and I am so excited and grateful. I wish I could be there, but alas, I am in crazy Portland, OR. At least things are kinda quite around here.
Anyway, you can read about the convoy here:
Big Justin Is Watching You, Truckers – PJ Media
And this is the livestream I am watching:
I really need to post more, but I have two jobs and am struggling with depression, but I will try. I will update this post throughout the day.
Featured image is a meme I swiped from patriots.win.