I will fight these assholes with everything I have
This. Some worthless piece of shit billionaire named Tim Gill is actively persecuting Christians. We wanted to be left alone after the Supreme Court “made” gay marriage “legal” but nooooo…they can’t just have their fucking “marriage” – they have to make our lives a living hell because we wanted to opt-out.
From this moment on, everything I do with my life will be in service to destroying this sub-human’s demented, evil plan.
I already wrote about this. I have already said that these activists hate us and want to “punish” us for not worshiping them. This is not surprising in the least. It just makes me angry that I have next to no power with regards to fighting back.
I am, however, going to use what little I have to fight back. I refuse to participate in their delusions. I refuse to cater to them, and I refuse to bow to them. They are not my gods, and I do not answer to them.
So, Tim Gill – FUCK YOU. WAR.