You must pay tribute

Sheep. That’s all they want in Hollywood.
So the left is whining about Taylor Swift’s alleged “aggressive whiteness” and the reason she is so “aggressively” white is because she has, so far, not denounced Trump. Info Wars has a story on this, if you want to read it.
As Alex Jones said, it’s like the music industry – and the entertainment industry as a whole – is a creepy cult. Just a few years ago celebrities weren’t required to pay tribute to leftist orthodoxy. One could be apolitical and it would be fine. Now, however, that isn’t the case. Your very silence is tacit support for Trump.
Gee, weren’t they whining about Bush’s “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” line from several years ago? And now here they are, practicing the same damn thing in believing that if you aren’t calling Trump an orange baboon barbarian neanderthal, you must be a supporter who hates blacks and Mexicans and wamen or whatever. Yes, I said “wamen” because at this point, that’s what feminists are – whiny women. (Handy definition of the word ‘wamen’)
The entertainment industry is the propaganda arm of the Democrat party and the globalists around the world. They’re all enraged that Hillary didn’t become the first female president, and they’ve been lashing out at everyone and everything. They’ve adopted the stark black/white morality that they used to hate so much. If you aren’t with Hillary/Democrats/globalists/progressves then you are evil, even if you don’t express explicit support for the dreaded ‘other’ (in this case, Trump, the alt right and the Republicans).
Taylor Swift clearly doesn’t care, as she’s still hugely successful anyway. Most of her peers in the industry are smart enough to leave her alone about it. Perhaps they know her views on politics. She’s too successful for them to jettison her out of their circle just yet. I also think she’s probably a leftist or a centrist, but that she doesn’t harbor the insane hatred most of Hollywood has for anyone that isn’t exactly like them. She used to be friends with Lena Dunham, called herself a feminist in the past and last year she tweeted support for the stupid Women’s March, but did not attend. She didn’t attend this year, nor did she even bother to mention it, which has the feminazi wamen all in a tizzy.
She also has a lot of weird fans that like to pretend that she’s some secret Nazi or white supremacist, and they make memes of her dressed up as a Nazi or something. She has no real control over her fanbase – nobody does, really – so I don’t understand why she is at fault for what some randoms on the Internet do. Nothing she has said or done has indicated that she’s a neo-Nazi or white supremacist. She also hasn’t said anything to indicate that she’s a right-winger or a Trump supporter. She just doesn’t talk about politics.
The left loves bragging about the amount of celebrities they “have” on their “side” as if that meant anything at all. Hint: it doesn’t. In fact, it’s even more meaningless now that they’re openly hounding a pop singer into spouting their (empty, bullshit) rhetoric. It’s obvious that a lot of this whole FUCK REPUBLICANS AND CHRISTIANS AND STRAIGHT WHITE MALES AND TRUMP REEEEEE garbage is nothing more than virtue signaling on the part of celebtards who wish to retain their fame and fortune. Half of them probably don’t give a shit one way or the other, but have to repeat the mantra in order to keep their careers.
That says it all, really.