Still Against Abortion, Regardless of What You Think
Image Source: Pixabay
I was browsing around the Internet and somehow found myself on the official website of a South African dance group that I listened to twenty years ago. Predictably, the female member is totally pro abortion. The page in question is here, and you’ll have to scroll down to see her comments on abortion, since she doesn’t know how to blog, I guess.
She has a questionnaire for those of us who are pro-life. I do not call myself pro-life because I am not against the death penalty. I am strictly anti-abortion, because it is the ending of an innocent life.
Oh, and before she demanded that all pro-lifers answer this questionnaire, she had this to say about abortion:
“I do feel that abortion is the ending of a life, rather than just a medical event. And, I am totally pro free, safe abortion for anyone who asks.
Okay, here is the questionnaire, and my answers.
1) How many ‘unwanted’ children have you adopted?
I have not adopted any children as of yet, because I am not financially capable of caring for a child. I would like to adopt someday, however. I feel that this is responsible. If I were to fall pregnant, I would, however, have the child and I would probably raise the child myself. Adopting is not like going to the store and purchasing an item. Adopting in the US is apparently very expensive. I can barely pay my student loans. I certainly cannot afford to pay adoption fees.
2) How many children have you fostered?
See previous question. I am not financially able to care for anyone but myself, unfortunately. Deliberately fostering a child or adopting a child when I have so much debt would be irresponsible.
3) How many single teenage mothers who are not blood relatives have you taken into your home for a full year or more?
I don’t know any personally. I also don’t own a home, and I live with someone else. It would be up to them as to whether or not I could take in a single teenage mother. If I did own a home, I would. I might not be able to pay for a lot of her expenses, but I’d let her live in my home for a year and try to help her get on her feet, or finish school.
4) How many hours per week do you spend volunteering at a facility for abused/abandoned children?
How many hours per week do you spend volunteering anywhere? You’re awfully self-righteous.
I work for a living. That’s my contribution.
5) What percentage of your annual income do you routinely donate to facilities for abused/abandoned children?
What percentage of your annual income do you routinely donate to any facility for anything whatsoever? Tell me where you’ve volunteered and how much you’ve donated. And it has to be for abused/abandoned children, not some abortion organization. If you care so much about children, focus on helping children that are already alive, and stop focusing on killing innocent children.
All of this is irrelevant, because, as you just said, abortion is taking a life. Absolutely nothing justifies taking a life short of murder.
I don’t like not being financially able to adopt children. I am not proud of it. But it’s reality. I make sure I don’t get pregnant, and I don’t engage in any activity that might result in a pregnancy because right now, I cannot afford kids. That’s the smart thing to do. If you can’t afford contraception, you should refrain from any activity that might result in pregnancy. That’s the smart thing to do. But feminists like you are not interested in doing the smart thing. Instead, you think with your cunt.
She finishes off with this:
Unless they can answer at least “one” (or more) to at least one (or more) of these five questions, as far as I am concerned they are not actually ‘pro-life’ but merely pro their own self-righteousness, and would be doing the world a great favour if they just went home and picked their noses instead.”
Sorry, but no. You don’t get to tell me what to do, unless you’re interested in paying off all my student loans. Then I might shut up about politics…maybe. No guarantees. Besides, I answered them, so therefore I have the right to speak up.
This woman, called Levannah, is just as self-righteous as she thinks pro-lifers are. Perhaps more. She expects us all to take in all the orphans of the world, regardless of our ability to actually care for them, simply because she’s fucking hooked on the “make them live up to their own rules” Alinsky tactic.
Besides, these arguments have no bearing on whether or not abortion is bad. Instead, it’s nothing more than a logical fallacy – an ad hominem attack, an appeal to motive. Instead of debating the merits of abortion, you attack your opponent. Your logic is literally as follows: “abortion must be good because pro-lifers are hypocrites who don’t care about the children we couldn’t kill in the womb. They don’t care about those children because they don’t adopt all of them.”
But you yourself said that abortion is the taking of a life. Whether I have adopted children or not does not change the fact that abortion is the taking of a life, nor does it have any impact on the validity of abortion whatsoever.
Plenty of pro-lifers have taken in the so-called ‘unwanted’ of the world. She’d know that if she did any research whatsoever.
Oh, and one more thing. I used an image of a black baby because black babies are being slaughtered by Planned Parenthood, an organization founded by Margaret Sanger, who was, to put it bluntly, a racist bitch. There are literally less black people in the United States thanks to Planned Parenthood. No, I will never, ever, EVER fucking support Planned Parenthood nor will I ever support abortion.
To reiterate: if you “feel” that abortion is taking a life, then your questions are complete and utter bullshit, and do not justify the taking of that life. Call me self-righteous all you want. I’ll just call you a selfish, genocidal murderer because that is precisely what you are. I’ll take being self-righteous over that any day.