What is wrong with these people?
Featured image By Marc NL at English Wikipedia (Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
This is mostly a rhetorical question, but seriously, what is wrong with these people?
I’m sure you know all about the separation-of-families immigration hoax that the media’s been pushing for the past week and a half. I am not going to debunk it – instead, I will link to two blog posts that do an excellent job of explaining just exactly what is going on and why the media is pushing this bogus story so hard: Democrats and Media are Lying: Behind the Phony ‘Family Separation’ Propaganda by Robert Stacy McCain and 13 Facts the Media Pros Don’t Want You To Know About Border Children by John Nolte at Breitbart.
Okay, so, predictably, Hollywood assholes – mostly raging has-beens who desperately need the publicity – have been freaking out over this phony propaganda. ‘Freaking out’ is putting it very, very, very mildly.
Some ancient, has-been actor (who happens to be the brother of that traitorous hag-bitch commie whore Jane Fonda) has called for the punishment of the President’s young son Barron (hat tip Breitbart):
You may need to click on the picture in order to read it. But yeah, this is his take on the issue. Oh, and then he attacks Sarah Sanders:
And then goes after Kristjen Nielsen:
Ms. Nielsen and Ms. Sanders are adults, so as much as I find his comments utterly distasteful and insane, I really can’t say much more about them. I’ve thought and said a lot of nasty things about leftists I hate, so I’d be a hypocrite to get too angry about it. But Barron Trump? He’s a kid! He’s only eleven years old! He probably has almost no concept of politics!
But you know why they go after his kid? They do it to demoralize him. It’s the same reason these cunts (and that’s precisely what they are, and I am not going to apologize for using strong language) went after Sarah Palin’s son Trig, who has Down’s Syndrome. Oh, they said all sorts of nasty things about him. He was just a freaking toddler back in 2008, when Palin ran for VP along with that jerk-wad John McCain (I deeply regret voting for that guy, I really do). I believe that their goal is to traumatize the targets in question and traumatize the parents in order to scare them into retreating or otherwise capitulating to their demands. Fortunately, both Palin and Trump are made of sterner stuff, and they – the President in particular – refuse to fall for this nonsense. In fact, the First Lady has contacted the Secret Service about these insane threats.
So I have another question. According to Twitter’s own rules, these tweets would be grounds for immediate suspension. Oh, but Twitter is run by a complete asshole who also happens to be a huge hypocrite. Therefore, only conservatives, alt-righters and Republicans lose their accounts. Shitheads like Peter Fonda can call for the violent abuse of a fucking eleven year old kid and he gets to keep his account. But I get salty with some no-name, pathetic wannabe ‘actress’ and my ass gets permanently banned. Milo Yiannopoulos gets banned for something he didn’t even do, but these assholes get to merrily post their bullshit all day long and suffer absolutely no consequences.
As for the actual issue itself…I’d rather these ‘families’ be deported as soon as they’re detained. According to the articles I’ve read about the subject, it seems that these so-called families might not even be separated for that long. These kids cannot be placed in the same detention centers as adults. When a minor commits a crime, they generally aren’t processed in regular courts nor are they sent to prisons with adults – they go through juvenile court and are sent to juvenile detention centers except in rare cases when the kid has committed a heinous crime, and then they’re tried as adults. This wasn’t an issue during the Obama years or even the Bush years. No, all of a sudden it’s an issue now because the left has been throwing an epic conniption fit for the past year and a half, all because their candidate didn’t win the 2016 election.
Oh, and another thing. How can we be sure that these ‘families’ are indeed actual families? These kids may not actually be traveling with their parents. Even a few years ago I remember reading about parents that would send their kids to the US unaccompanied. Once it was stated that families claiming asylum would have a greater chance of being let into the US, we started seeing all these kids along with adults. Random adults could be choosing random kids to claim as their own simply to gain entry into the US. And if they are truly ‘undocumented’ then there’s no proof as to whether or not they’re related, or what country they’re actually from. So yeah, verifying their ‘story’ takes time. That’s why they’re all in detention centers in the first place. They can’t be, and shouldn’t be let into the country, although that’s precisely what the Democrats and their toadies in Hollywood want.
The Democrats want power, and they’ve decided to get power by gaining more votes. That’s why they’re so gung-ho about opening our borders wide open. These people coming over here want access to our insanely generous welfare system. In exchange for this, they’ll loyally vote Democrat every time. Get enough of them here, and they’ll outnumber the rest of us, therefore keeping the Democrats in power for decades to come.
I’m tired of them getting away with this crap. I really am.