Kiddie porn? In my Netflix?
This has been a story for a couple of days, and it has gone just as you would expect it to have gone. Leftists ignore it, and those that don’t ignore it (a tiny minority) claim that there’s nothing wrong with it. People who call themselves right-wingers are saying that this is a nothingburger, and that we’re all a bunch of hopeless prudes, because children are sexual beings, doncha know?
I am, of course, talking about a film called Desire. It is available on Netflix for US users. Allegedly, the film’s opening scene depicts a very young girl — ten or eleven years old — riding a pillow as if it were a horse, and having an orgasm, of which sparks concern in her sister, who calls for her mother. In context, it’s supposed to be the depiction of a girl’s very first orgasm, it’s supposed to be “accidental” and is there for comic relief.
Even in this context, this scene is flat out disgusting. Sure, there’s probably worse, but we can’t brush this off simply because there’s worse. Uh, that’s a problem. A huge problem. If people had raised a fuss when these worse films were released, perhaps there wouldn’t be a problem today. But no, none of you perverted clowns breathed a word about films like Pretty Baby and Blue Lagoon, presumably because you didn’t want to be labeled a prude. As if there were something bad about being a prude. I’ve never understood that. I’d rather be a prude than a whore. Prudes generally don’t have STDs. I’m not interested in having gonorrhea or syphilis.
So, this film is called Desire in the US, and its original title is Desearás al hombre de tu hermana. It is from Argentina, and these Central and South American countries (including Mexico) seem to be more…comfortable with very young children being sexualized. The synopsis is pretty simple:
“Lucía and Ofelia, two sisters, finally meet after 7 years at Lucia’s wedding. But when Juan, Lucia’s husband, and Ofelia meet, they feel like a disruptive fantasy have enchanted their minds and bodies…”
I tried looking for the names and profiles of the actresses that played the young sisters in the infamous scene, and they aren’t listed on the IMdb page.
This reminds me of another film I watched a few years ago, called Towelhead. It is a film about some girl from the Middle East moving in with her father (who is from the Middle East; her mother is white and they’re divorced). She ends up having a very disturbing and abusive relationship with the US Army soldier living on her street. In one scene, she’s in the soldier’s house (she is kind of friends with his son, I think) and ends up looking at his porn collection. She fantasizes about being the girls she sees in his nudie magazines; she crosses her legs and moves in such a way that she ends up stimulating herself, and has an orgasm. The character is supposed to be fourteen or something, but the actress that played her was over the age of eighteen at the time that scene was shot, so nobody got up in arms over that.
I wanted to know if the actress in question was of age. Unfortunately, the IMDb page doesn’t even show them as being credited. I don’t know what the age of consent is in Argentina, and I don’t even know the actress’s name. Okay, I just looked it up at Wikipedia (I know) and this is what they had to say about it (there are no citations there, by the way):
“In Argentina, the age at which there are no restrictions for sexual activities is 18[citation needed], regardless of gender or sexual orientation[citation needed].”
You can read the rest here.
I have not watched the scene in question and I do not want to. I do have a Netflix account, and I did look it up to see if it was still there. The film is still there. It was released last year, by the way, so the young girls in the scene would only be a year or two older than they were when it was shot, depending on when the scene was shot. I first heard of this at PJ Media, of which has a screenshot from the scene, but their faces are obscured. You can see it here. I don’t even like looking at that screenshot. I have absolutely no desire to watch the scene or the whole film.
If this is legal in Argentina, that’s one thing. The film can just “stay” there. But here, that’s another story. I think the scene should be removed. Based on what I know of the film’s story, it is unnecessary anyway. The story can be told without it. Removing it wouldn’t change anything.
We shouldn’t be okay with this shit. We really shouldn’t, but even those supposedly on the right think it’s no big deal. We’re just prudes because the notion of a fucking ten year old child riding a pillow like a seasoned porn star squicks us out. Well, excuse the fuck out of me for having standards.