Words mean things
Oxford dictionary definition of racism. Note that white people vs non-whites is not mentioned.
If you’re a conservative political junkie like me, you’ve probably heard of this heinous bitch named Sarah Jeong. The New York Times – aka Carlos Slim’s shitty little blog – recently hired her to be a tech editor or something. Right-wingers delved into her social media accounts and discovered a shitload of tweets about how much she hates white people, white men, old white men, Christians, and all the other bug-a-boos liberals routinely bitch about.
Unlike Disney, Carlos Slim’s shitty little blog decided that she’s totes amazeballs and that they are totally keeping her on, because she hates all the right people.
Oh, and the mainstream media is pretending that this is a significant victory for the left, because, according to them, we’ve “weaponized” this sort of “get people fired for things they’ve said online” tactic. This is pure projection and they know it. They’ve been doing this shit since 2012 at the earliest. No, even earlier than that. I’d say they’ve been doing it ever since Twitter and Facebook first got really popular.
We right-wingers manage to get one person fired – James Gunn – and all of a sudden this is a nefarious right-wing tactic. It’s utter bullshit.
But of course, we all know why they decided to keep her on. I mean, besides her hating all the right people. According to the left, non-whites cannot be racist. Yes, that’s the new definition of racism — according to them, anyway.
Below is an image I found on the Internet. I’m not even going to bother crediting whoever created this shitty graphic. I didn’t create it, and I’d rather die than take credit for it anyway.
So, essentially, the new definition of racism is some nonsense about how non-whites were treated. Also, notice how the creator of this image basically trivialized actual racism from black people. A black girl saying, “like, I hope you die in a fire, whitey!” is totally okay and is just a joke, but if you said the same to the black girl (without calling her a name) – oh, that’s racist.
Technically, neither are really racist but are really rude, but the left loves engaging in bullshit double standards. This new definition of racism is their way of allowing non-whites and leftists in general to be monstrous racists and not get called out on it.
The fact that this new definition is so widely accepted by our government, the entertainment industry and the news media is proof that whites no longer enjoy the “institutional power” they claim they enjoy.
After all, Roseanne Barr made a joke about a specific individual person – that hateful terrorist bitch Valerie Jarrett. One fucking tweet, and no racist slurs were used, and she loses her whole TV show because of it. She’s white, by the way.
But Sarah Jeong gets hired even though her new employers know about her hateful racist history and there’s nothing wrong with that. Not only does she keep her job, they publicly stand by her and their decision to hire her.
That’s far from the only example I can give, either, but I don’t have all day for this.
Check out this idiotic link. They’re clearly butthurt that the definition hasn’t been updated to include “racism is the systematic and deliberate opppression of people of color by white people.”
Or, “racist” means “white person.” That is what these people honestly believe.
We cannot let them change the definition of words. We simply cannot. All this is going to do is make it easier for them to commit genocide against white people. You think I’m exaggerating or being melodramatic. I am not. Just take a look at what they say on Tumblr and Twitter. Technically, this shit is all over the Internet, but you can get a good idea just from those two sites alone.
Anyway, this post at Quillette says it better than I can. Excellent post with good examples of how utterly insane and hypocrtical the left has become.
Remember: don’t let them change the definitions of words.