Anatomy of a hit piece

Anatomy of a hit piece

December 10, 2018 0 By Elaine Arias

Elle magazine recently published a hit piece on Lara Trump, Eric Trump’s wife.  As I figured it would be, it was extremely biased and incredibly insulting to its subject.

It’s from their November 2018 issue, the one with Lady GaGa on the cover.  It’s supposed to be the Women in Hollywood issue (like there haven’t been enough of these…Jesus, they come out with like, five of these damn things every year) or something, and I’m mystified as to why they chose to profile Lara Trump – she’s not an actress or singer or even writer – but there you go.  

Now, I’ve been reading fashion magazines since I was ten years old.  It’s been a long time for me.  I don’t read them as often anymore, and I don’t actually buy them (they are way too expensive these days), but every now and then I’ll read an issue if someone interesting is on the cover.

While I’m not going to fisk every single line in this profile, I am going to quote the parts that are extremely biased.

The name of the profile is The Good Soldier.  The author of this tripe is Emma Rosenblum.

So, after being introduced to Lara Trump, we get to the part where she goes on the campaign trail for her father in law.  The author feels it necessary to provide “fact checks” after everything Lara says.

“Lara immediately went out in the field, campaigning up to six days a week, traveling across America with a group of pro-Trump women whom she’d assembled with the mission of softening their candidate’s image, with female voters in particular.  “There was a narrative out there that Donald Trump was a bad person,” Lara says.  (At the time, Trump had already been accused by multiple women of sexual harassment; “Grab ’em by the pussy” was unearthed in October of that year.)”

So, of course, God forbid their readers make up their own minds.  I think most people remember when the Access Hollywood tape surfaced; the media wouldn’t shut up about it.  The media demonized Trump as a bona fide rapist who routinely groped women.  I have always believed that his pussy comment was a figure of speech and a commentary on famewhores and groupies, who basically let you do whatever you want to them in exchange for fame, money or both.  As for those accusations…only one woman, I think, bothered to offer up her name, and they all ended up being completely baseless.  Too bad, Emma – Trump is not Bill Clinton.  That’s the real rapist, and I’ll bet you a million dollars Emma voted for him and his enabling wife.

“…Donald Trump’s presidency has been every bit as disorienting and frightening as many feared…

This has no business being in this profile.  It is not fact, it’s opinion.  What does this have to do with Lara Trump and the job she was hired to do?  Nothing.

“She looks expensive; her Van Cleef & Arpels earrings shine.  She’s polished, controlled, articulate, impossibly on message.  In other words, everything our dear leader is not.”

Another line that has absolutely no business being in this profile.  This is opinion – the author’s opinion on someone other than the subject of her profile.  Why is this even here?  We want to know about Lara Trump.  Presumably, the reader isn’t necessarily interested in the author’s bullshit opinion on the President, of which is completely unfounded.  I don’t see the President as being the opposite of any of those things.  No, really, I don’t.  The only thing he does that comes close to being unpolished might be some of his tweets, but then again, everyone makes mistakes.  Trump’s appeal is that people don’t see him as a slick, corrupt politician who says exactly what people want to hear, only to renege on it once in office.  Plenty of mid-term Democratic candidates are already on record stating that they have no desire to maintain the moderate positions they campaigned on.

Right now, Lara Trump serves as an advisor to the President’s 2020 reelection campaign (yes, bitches, he’s running for reelection.  Feel free to fucking kill yourselves now – it’ll do us a universe of good).

“Lara also makes regular appearances on Fox News and hosts a web series on the campaign site called Real News Update, in which she boasts about Trump’s accomplishments in an effort to refute the “fake news” bias that Trump and Co. are so fixated on.”

Emma Rosenbitch writes this shit with a straight face and wonders why “Trump and Co.” are so “fixated” on bias.  Uh, hello, bitch?  Do you have any self-awareness whatsoever?  Evidently not.  Emma basically says that Lara is either completely deluded or is a stone cold liar later on in this stupid article.  She insults Lara, the subject of her article, the President, and the people that voted for him.  Oh, but Trump and “company” are fixated on something that, according to this bitch, doesn’t exist.  Her article and every single one of her bitchy little barbs is further proof of that “bias” “Trump and Co.” are so fucking fixated on.  DUH.

“Heading into the midterms, and, crucially, looking toward the 2020 election, the white women demographic that Lara is tasked with preaching to is the wild card that Trump fears.”

Feminazis are clearly deluded over the POWER they have over us all.  On the one hand, they’re eternal and perpetual rape victims trapped in a dystopian patriarchal hell, and on the other hand, they’re FIERCE BAD ASS BITCHES and SLAY QUEENS and whatever else.  Pick one, bitches – either you’re a slay queen or you’re a rape victim.  You can’t be both.

Oh, and it’s just so cute that Lara’s campaigning (that’s what she does, Emma, you stupid feckless cunt) is preaching, because Elle and Vogue and Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan’s constant fear-mongering over abortion and whatever else isn’t preaching at all.  Too bad you can’t see my big huge fucking eyeroll.  My eyes are rolling so hard right now I think they might roll right out of my skull.

And, to top it all off, this is from the same people that raked that very demographic over the coals for voting for Trump in the first place, but they’re so confident that these women they despise will come around and vote for whatever demented, degenerate baby killer the Democrats will shit out for 2020.

“At press time, Civiqs tracking found that 20 percent of women without college degrees have an unfavorable view of Donald Trump.  It’s up to Lara to keep Republican women in the fold, to give the Trump administration a peppy, TV-friendly sheen for those low-information female voters who’d like to reelect Trump and not have to feel bad about it.  (Initially, this was seen to be Ivanka’s mission, but as she’s gotten mired in actual fraught policy debates, Lara has emerged as the nice white lady Trump mom of the moment.)”

Let me start out by saying that Emma Rosenblum is a complete cunt.  A blood-belching, pus-dribbling cunt.  First thing I noticed was the bitchy cuntish remark about low-information female voters (Rush Limbaugh wants his phrase back, bitch) but now that I’m actually examining it, there’s a lot wrong with this.

First of all, who the fuck takes polls seriously anymore, except for people working in campaigns?  How did that work out for Emma’s Lady and Saviour Hillary Clinton?  Furthermore, even if these polls were accurate, things change.  They change rather quickly in politics.

Secondly, the author seems to assume that while those uneducated women don’t have a favorable view of Trump, they’ll vote for him anyway.  She equates “women without college degrees” with “Republican women” and calls those women “low-information voters.”  More of that bias “Trump and Co.” are, like, totally paranoid about.

I voted for Trump in 2016 and I’ll do so again in 2020.  I’m not white, I’m female and I have two college degrees.  A woman without a college degree isn’t uneducated and that does not mean she’s automatically a Republican.  What the fuck?  And that certainly does not mean she’s “low-information.”  Fucking bitch, I swear.

“Eric, who at the time was executive vice president of the Trump Organization, now runs the day-to-day operations, a role that he and Donald Jr. took over when their dad got elected.  Lara takes issue with the media’s portrayal of her husband (she takes issue with the media’s portrayal of most things.)”

SO?  AND?  Lara’s right!  Your bullshit article is more proof that there IS a bias.  You’ve portrayed Lara as some dumb, corrupt, filthy rich racist white woman who blindly does what her husband and father-in-law tells her.  I can’t blame the woman for taking issue with the media’s portrayal of “most things.”  Of course she does.  I do as well, and Emma Rosenbitch isn’t helping her own case.  And yeah, based on what I read, the media’s portrayal of Eric Trump is highly unfair, but that’s no surprise.  The media is full of communist shitheads who hate Christians and Republicans and white people and straight people and anyone else that’s even marginally different from them.

“On Saturday Night Live, Eric is parodied as a privileged dunce, while his brother Donald Jr. is portrayed as a marginally intelligent, if more devious.  “Obviously they’ve got it very wrong, in my opinion – my husband is one of the most smartest people I’ve ever met,” she says.  “And it’s so funny to see how people try to interpret the family.  I think it’s just because Eric is under the radar that they don’t really have a sense of him.”  So what is Eric really like?  “I’ll tell you, he works so hard.  One of the few things that really frustrates me is when people claim that the Trump family doesn’t work.  I mean, the daily things that Eric has to deal with on all of his properties, unimaginable stuff, people filing lawsuits left and right about crazy things.  He’s doing an incredible job.  I think his dad is very proud of him,” she says.  (Eric, along with Ivanka and Donald Jr., is named in a lawsuit against Trump brought by the New York state attorney general that alleges improper use of the Trump Foundation’s funds for campaign purposes; the Trumps have filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, and they deny the claims have any merit.)”

So, once again comes the unnecessary and bullshit “fact check” because, once again, God forbid anyone let Lara’s words speak for themselves.  Of course she’d be full of praise for both her husband and father-in-law.  Most people would, though.  Of course, Emma Rosenbitch has no problem with the Clintons using their shitty Foundation to enrich themselves…I guess that’s the only proper way to use a Foundation.  They’ve probably used their foundation to fund her campaign, but the media covers for the Clintons, so no lawsuit for them.  This lawsuit against Trump, like that bullshit collusion investigation, is nothing more than a bunch of disgruntled Democrats doing everything to destroy Trump’s presidency.  His kids aren’t the only ones stating that the claims have no merit.

“As for the rest of the family, Lara is “very close” with Ivanka, she says.  “I think they’re doing as well as they can,” she says of Ivanka and Jared’s life in DC.  “It’s really hard.  I don’t envy them at all.  People are protesting outside their house, and they have children in there.  But I think they’re making a huge difference.”  What difference, I ask? “If you look at the prison reform stuff, Jared’s worked so hard on that.  I know he’s working so hard on the Middle East.  Ivanka with the paid family leave – there’s so much stuff.” (The prison reform legislation is at a standstill; Trump recently announced the shuttering of the Palestinian diplomatic mission in the US; no paid family leave policy has been implemented – Ivanka has said that this will “take time.”)”

Rolling my eyes again.  While yes, it may be true that Ivanka and Jared might not have gotten all of their wishlist items accomplished, I think the Trump administration has done some great things.  Lowest black unemployment in years, we ditched the Paris climate bullshit, we didn’t sign the bullshit UN migration pact, some manufacturing has returned to the US, and our gas prices are lower.  The wall hasn’t been built, though, and that really irritates the shit out of me.  And, of course, there’s the NAFTA thing.  Things aren’t too bad right now.  The left is still throwing a temper tantrum over 2016 so they think that anything that doesn’t remotely go their way is basically rape and oppression and whatever else they’ve got bouncing around their stupid heads.  

But this profile isn’t about Ivanka and Jared’s accomplishments or non-accomplishments.  There’s no need to fucking fact-check Lara’s words.  Notice how Emma totally glossed over the fact that her fellow demented leftists are literally protesting outside Ivanka’s home.  Well, she doesn’t totally dismiss it, but she does minimize it later on.

“Lara then launches into talking points that I recognize from her speeches at Trump’s rallies, which you can watch on YouTube and which are riveting in a dystopian, filmic way.”

Once again, more bias.  I could say the same fucking thing about Obama’s creepy-as-fuck rallies and that creepy-as-fuck “Mmm mmm mmm Barack Hussein Obama” song sung by creepy Children of the Corn.  These people act like Trump has cornered the market on slavish devotion and that’s not true.  Witness their stupid reaction to Hillary losing.  People bawling in public, on camera, over a fucking election.  Or that nutjob screaming her head off at Trump’s inauguration.

I think the left is just pissed off that Trump enjoys far more popularity than Hillary.  Nobody held rallies like that for Hillary.

“…And, unfortunately, given that we live in the climate that we do, a lot of things will never get reported.  But i say this to people all the time – 50 years from now, when we look back on this period in time in the United States and this presidency, I really do think that people are going to say that Donald Trump was actually really, really great for the United States of America.”  Cute rapturous applause and chants of “Lock her up!”

Oh, but Trump will totally be impeached, you guys.  Cue chants of “Yes we can!”

I don’t know how Trump will be viewed by history, but I am pretty sure that historians will look at the hysterical years-long temper tantrum of the left and wonder what the hell is wrong with them.

“She’s a natural politician, really.  Because I can’t tell if she believes her spin – the White House is a smoothly running machine; Trump loves women; he cares about immigrants; he’s a strong, smart leader; he wants what’s best for the country – which, based on every single story coming out of the White House for the past two years, is completely, totally, maybe 1,000 percent untrue, or if she’s lying through her bright white teeth.”

And here it is.  Either Lara Trump is Joseph Goebbels in drag, or she’s, like, totes 1,000 percent a liar!  

The White House is a smoothly running machine.  If you call letting a fucking US ambassador DIE in a terrorist attack, only to have his fucking corpse paraded down the streets running smoothly then you’re fucking deluded.  Trump ended up with a lot of treacherous assholes in the Cabinet and in the FBI.  Plus, the media is a propaganda machine that blows up every little thing to make Trump look bad.  

She wants us to believe that Trump hates women.  Really?  So, can you explain to me why he has two fucking daughters? Can you explain to me why he let his two sons marry women?  Can you explain to me why he allowed his granddaughters to be born?  I mean, he’s been married to three women so far – two of whom are immigrants.  He is a strong, smart leader.  Trump was very successful in a very difficult real estate market.  And now he’s President of the United States when everyone in the fucking media said he had no chance.  Furthermore, it’s not his job to “care” about immigrants (and what she really means by “care” is allow every foreigner on Earth to invade the US and live here without being citizens while the rest of us slave away to keep these fuckers fed and sheltered).  And if her Lady and Saviour can’t beat Trump the Rapist in a Presidential campaign, what does that say about her?  I guess she isn’t too fucking bright either.

Letting our country be overrun by hostile foreigners and feminazis is not what’s best for the country.  It simply isn’t.  This section has no business being in this article.  Once again, the author injects her opinions in a personality profile, and wonders why we complain about media bias.

There’s a really long section about how Lara can go about New York City without being hassled by people, and that this random person claims that nobody heckles Lara or anyone else associated with the Trump administrtion.  Lara and others on the right side of the aisle are routinely heckled and harassed by asshole leftists, and Emma wants you to know that they’re all lying.  It’s just sunshine and roses for Trump supporters in NYC.

“I know she feels like they’re hated in the city, and I’m sure that’s not unwarranted,” Aronson says.  “But to be honest, when I’m with them, I’ve never experienced that.  I’ve never seen anyone heckle them; I’ve never seen a negative response.  IN fact, I’ve seen the opposite.  I’ve seen people come up to Eric at dinner and say, ‘I really love your father.'” Says Perozzi, “In almost any other city in this country, she and that family would be treated like royalty.  Imagine if they lived in Dallas!  I mean, the doors would open.  Here, that’s certainly not the case, and in many cases, it’s the opposite.  She has a circle of friends, she’s very close to her family, and her parents are very involved.  And she and Eric have a routine; they go to certain restaurants regularly.  And it’s fine, but I don’t think there’s an outpouring of love or, like, sentiment when people see them, for sure.”

That’s because most crazy leftists don’t know who Eric or Lara Trump are.  They don’t know what he looks like, and most New Yorkers are probably used to seeing them.  Just because these two dillweeds haven’t experienced any heckling doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.  It has certainly happened to Ivanka on a number of occasions.

“This idea of the Trump family as victims is a theme that Lara returns to, whether she’s discussing her own experience, Jared and Ivanka’s, or the president and Melania’s.”

It’s true.   They are victims of being heckled by nutjob leftists.  As I said, there’s documented instances of Ivanka being heckled in public.

Man Removed from Commercial Flight After Harassing Ivanka Trump and Family

Ivanka Trump and her family were accosted by a passenger on a commercial flight who was eventually removed from the plane, according to reports. Ivanka, who was with her husband Jared Kushner and three children, was harassed by a male passenger who told her that “Your father is ruining the country,” before declaring that “She should be flying private.”

But, according to Emma, the Trumps aren’t allowed to claim victim status.  They, like, totally deserve it.

“It’s got to be really isolating to be the First Lady, and I don’t think people ever really consider that,” Lara says.  “You can’t go for a walk down the street.  Especially in an environment like this, it must be really, really lonely.”  And what about Melania’s Zara jacket, the one she wore to visit the children’s refugee center, with “I really don’t care.  Do u?” scribbled across the back? “I really don’t know what that jacket was.  I haven’t even asked her about that.  But she’s a smart woman,” she adds.  “She speaks, like, five languages.  She’s incredible.”

Notice how there’s no fact check for this statement.  Let me go ahead and offer one.  Melania’s jacket had that phrase printed on the back, not scribbled.  Melania didn’t have anyone put that message on the back of it.  That’s just how it was.  She wore that in reference to the criticism she kept getting from the media, as that was at the height of the “oh my god, children are being put in cages” nonsense.  It was aimed at the media and she said so.  Lastly, she removed the jacket before she arrived at the center itself.  The future Democrat voters – I mean, “refugees” – didn’t even see her wear it.

Melania Wore ‘Don’t Care’ Jacket to Show Critics They Will Not Stop Her

First lady Melania Trump revealed during an ABC interview aired Friday night that the jacket she wore getting on and off a plane to visit the border was a jab at left-wing media and critics.

Oh, we’ll get to the children in cages issue later.  Bitch Emma does offer a “fact check” for that.

“As Lara rises in rank, she’s been studying the president’s policy positions.  She touches on these in her Real News Update segments and also during our talk.  We’re at the height of the refugee crisis, just after Trump has reversed curse on US Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s zero tolerance policy, and so I ask for her thoughts on this.  “It was definitely going on under President Obama,” she begins, ” and, of course, this is a president who has been very strong on immigration.  We can’t have open borders – that doesn’t work for any country.  But that doesnt’ mean that we’re not going to help people or do hte right thing.” (The zero tolerance policy was created during the Trump administration; the detention centers were created under the Obama administration to deal with the increase of unaccompanied migrant children.  The Obama administration did not purposely separate children from their families as part of an immigration policy.)”

More bias, and an outright lie.  The zero tolerance policy’s purpose was NOT to deliberately separate children from their parents for the sake of separating families!  She at least got the bit about the detention centers partially right – they were created during the Obama admin.  The images of “cages” were from the Obama years.  The administration chose to continue to detain people because you can’t put these children in PRISON, you fuckwits!  Furthermore, a great deal of those children came WITHOUT their parents!  The adults those kids came with weren’t their parents in the fucking first place!  At least for some of them!  But Emma Rosenbitch wants you to believe that Trump and Jeff Sessions and whoever else were cackling and saying racist stuff while planning to separate these poor innocent widdle brown families for no good reason, and no, that’s not what happened.  At all.

“She blames the media for blowing the whole thing out of proportion.  “It’s very hard to filter.  Even for me, a family member who understands what is going on, some of the things I see, I have to remind myself, Well, that’s not the reality, that is a bit of a stretch.  It’s not like the president said, ‘I want to rip…'” she trails off, careful not to complete the sentence.  “I mean, come on, that’s crazy.”  This is the ice cream guy, remember.  The guy whose heart she knows.  The guy who would never hurt an animal or rip a baby from his screaming mother’s arms.”

That baby you would have probably aborted if it had been yours, you mean?  No, the President never had any intention of ripping your precious brown babies from their mothers.  I don’t know why it’s a problem when Trump does it, but it’s just another day when Obama did the same fucking thing.  Unless this deluded bitch really thinks Trump sits in the Oval Office and cackles at footage of some Mexican woman having her anchor baby taken away from her because she was stupid enough to commit a crime whilst holding her anchor baby in her arms.  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.  I hate it when feminazis talk about babies.  Everyone knows damn well that these bitches get moist at the thought of slaughtering an innocent baby in the womb or even in its crib, especially if that baby come between them and their sleazy bar hopping.

“In August, Lara’s plan to stay under the radar blows up, foiled by one Omarosa Manigault Newman, who, as part of her publicity tour for her tell-all book, Unhinged, releases audio of Lara offering her $15,000 a month to work on Trump’s 2020 campaign in exchange for her silence regarding her time in the White House.”

Yeah, Omarosa’s shitty little tome crashed and burned.  I had forgotten all about that.  Oh yeah, Lara and the President are quaking in their boots over this.  It’s kind of suspicious that they’d offer Omarosa anything in exchange for her silence, but then again, this is Omarosa, and offering her a lot of money to keep her mouth shut is probably easier than dealing with whatever nutjob lie she might tell to promote herself.  I guess this is supposed to “prove” that Trump is corrupt and insane but to be honest, nobody really cared about what Omarosa had to say.

“It’s the day after Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was convicted of five counts of tax fraud, two counts of bank fraud, and one count of failure to disclose a foreign bank account; and after Michael Cohen, Trump’s former laywer-slash-fixer, pleaded guilty to violating campaign violence law.  Have the recent developments affected the mood of the rally?  “I don’t think anybody at the rally paid mind to anything other than the fact that the president was there,” she says.  “It’s an amazing feeling, people cheering and clapping.”

She’s good, Lara.  She never breaks.  She never wavers.  An expert in glossing over reality, she’s just vague enough so that it’s hard to poke holes in her propaganda.  And Trump, recognizing the power of his beautiful mouthpiece, has elevated her beyond what she thought possible.

Of course, Lara can’t possibly be telling the truth.  She’s just spewing propaganda.  Lara’s right.  Most of us Trump supporters weren’t really fazed by Manafort and Cohen’s convictions, especially since Manafort’s convictions had nothing to do with the actual campaign. It certainly had nothing to do with the bogus Russia witch hunt.

Paul Manafort Found Guilty on 8 Counts, Mistrial Declared on 10

The jury in one-time Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s first criminal trial has finalized its verdict on eight of the 18 felony counts he faced: guilty. The other ten counts ended in a mistrial, with the jurors unable to reach a unanimous verdict.

The piece ends with a quote on Lara’s possible future in politics.

Thank GOD I am done with this.  I am so pissed off at this stupid “article.”  It is so extremely biased and incredibly insulting.  Elle has done this before – back in 2010, they published a nasty hit piece on Sarah Palin, and a couple of years after that, wrote an insulting piece about “mini Palins” and they’re far from the only fashion magazine with liberal bias.  These people have no self-awareness whatsoever.

This, also, is why these stupid magazines are going out of business.  Well, it’s one reason.  A lot of women are Republican.  Those women are not interested in reading a Democratic feminazi pamphlet.  These magazines are supposed to be about fashion, not bullshit Dem talking points, but here they are.  

Oh, and if you think this is standard fare for a profile, think again.  The vast majority of the stories they do on public figures is fawning nonsense that doesn’t challenge anything the subject says or does.  The only exception is for non-leftists like Lara Trump and Sarah Palin.  There was no bullshit “fact checks” for the things Lady GaGa, their cover star, said.  Nope.  Only Lara Trump.