Enemy of the People
The President has said that the media is the enemy of the people, and I agree with that sentiment 100%. I would also like to add that social media is also the enemy of the people – namely, Facebook and Twitter, in addition to the other big tech companies, like Google.
The past two days have been an excellent demonstration as to why these networks are the enemy of the people.
So yesterday morning, the New York Post broke a story in which emails between Joe Biden’s crackheaded son Hunter and an adviser from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma were published. The mainstream media pointedly ignored it (as they had another story – the confirmation hearings for judge Amy Coney Barrett are still ongoing and have ended today). Facebook decided to limit the reach of the story until their (shitty and biased) third-party “fact checkers” could “verify” its authenticity. Of course, we all know their method of verification – if it is harmful to Republicans, it’s true. If it is harmful to Democrats, it’s Russian propaganda or fake news. Twitter swiftly followed suit.
Here’s a list of people who have been punished for tweeting a link to the NY Post story:
- James Woods
- Kayleigh McEnany
- Jack Posobiec
- The New York Post official Twitter account
- Trump campaign account
- Newsbusters’ Curtis Houck
This appeared to only happen to high-profile accounts, then they decided to blacklist the Post link so that nobody could post it. Twatter’s reasoning was that the story contained “personal” info such as email addresses and phone numbers, and that the info in question was obtained through “hacking.” These fuckwits either don’t know what they’re talking about or simply aren’t good at lying.
First of all, no “hacking” of any sort took place. Hunter Biden, or someone working for him, dropped off three laptops at a computer repair shop in Delaware, sometime last year. Per the store’s policy, after 90 days, they took possession of the laptops and whatever was stored on them. The owner took a look at what was on there and decided to turn it over to the FBI after making a copy of the drive for himself. The FBI did absolutely nothing with it. The store owner then tried to take it to other people before finally handing it over to Rudy Guliani, who actually did something with it.
That’s not hacking. Hunter Biden has only himself to blame. Who takes THREE laptops to a repair shop and just never bothers to go get them? I’m deeply, deeply attached to all my devices – I have four laptops, two iPads, two desktop computers (one a Mac Mini and the other a cheapo Dell tower), three smartphones, a Kindle Fire tablet and a Raspberry Pi. I have a lot of devices and yet if I were to part with one of them, I’d miss it and I certainly wouldn’t leave it at a repair shop.
The repair shop owner is understandably concerned for his life. You can read an interview with him here. There’s an audio file hosted at Soundcloud at that link, and I’ve downloaded it in case it’s ever taken down.
Anyway, a great deal of stories with information obtained by questionable means have been published and spread around on Twitter and Facebook before, and nobody thought to limit their reach, but that was because those stories were harmful to Republicans, particularly President Trump. The Daily Wire is already cucking out and questioning the story:
Excuse me while I roll my eyes.
Anyway, understandably pissed off at this, the GOP has decided to supboena Twitter’s CEO over this. Of course, it won’t do much good.
Oh, but before that happened, Twitter blocked the link to a government site that had, in turn, linked to the Post story. The House Judiciary Committee Republicans had issued a press release concerning the story, and Twitter blocked the link to that press release.
Why didn’t they do this when Trump’s tax returns were leaked? Handing those tax returns over to the newspaper that published them, The New York Times (aka Carlos Slim’s shitty little blog), was flat-out illegal and yet Twatter and Fakebook had no problem with that story and all the ill-gotten information within spreading around like wildfire.
The Federalist has even more examples of stories that, by the most current standards of both shitty social networks, should have also gotten this ridiculous, censorious treatment:
Curiously enough, Twitter and Facebook were more than happy to let quite a few innocent conservatives and Trump supporters get completely slandered on their networks.
Of course, the Biden campaign generously thanks Twitter for helping their campaign by making the claim that if Twitter censors a story, that means it’s false:
It’s not really about whether or not the emails really were written by Hunter Biden. It’s also not about the hilarious pictures that were also released, confirming that Hunter Biden is, in fact, a crackhead (and that he’s got a crack-tastic sex tape – BARF). It’s about how swift and hard the censorship came when it comes to this story.
All throughout reading these stories, one thing kept going around and around in my head: why are conservatives STILL USING THESE STUPID SITES?
They make their money off of advertisements. Their power is in the sheer number of people using their sites. If half of their audience just disappeared one day, that would be a huge blow to their influence. Yet, all conservatives care about is being able to clap back at some stupid celebtard. I get the advantages to remaining on these platforms. I don’t consider them terribly important advantages, but I recognize that there are some. It’s funny seeing so many conservatives responding to dumb leftists with links to the Post story. It’s nice to see dumb leftists get ratioed. I also know that a lot of people like following the President’s personal Twitter feed.
You do realize that you can follow his Twitter feed without even having an account, right? You can add it to an RSS reader.
They keep censoring us, conservatives whine and cry about it, random politicians (including the President himself) make indignant noises AND NOTHING EVER CHANGES.
I’m sick of it. They’re constantly making us out to be utter fools because you are so fucking addicted to these sites!
There’s alternatives like MeWe, Parler, Gab, Minds, etc. I’ve written about them extensively. They’re not perfect, but they’re better than Twitter and Facebook.
Big Tech is also enemies of the people. We’ve already turned our backs on the mainstream media. Now it’s time to stop letting Big Tech make fools of us, and turn our backs on them too.
Oh, and before I forget – the original story: