The Most Baffling Campaign Ever
So the election is tomorrow, and for the past few weeks I’ve been thinking about how utterly bizarre the Democrats’ campaign has been.
I’m just going to run through every weird decision they’ve made, going all the way back to 2016.
No Successor to Obama
They never really brought forth a decent successor to Obama, only running Hillary Clinton who, while has a unique background, I guess, doesn’t have much of a record to run on, and was Secretary of State under Obama but the Benghazi attacks happened on her watch, and her response to it was really bad.
Hillary is just not likable, and she does not have the charisma of her husband Bill. He even tried advising her, but she rebuffed him. Then there was her health problems, as it’s rumored that she had a stroke before the 2016 presidential election and of course, ended up having complications due to it. She did not campaign much and I think that hurt her. Of course, I am delighted as that meant Trump became President and he was a very good one. This brings us to the next baffling decision.
They Did Not Prepare a Good Candidate for 2020
So, putting aside the pandemic in 2020, the Democrats didn’t have a good, strong candidate for the 2020 election. That clearly didn’t matter as they clearly stole the election, manufacturing a crap ton of votes for the guy they did choose – Joe Biden.
Normally, choosing a former Vice President is a good choice for one’s presidential candidate. After all, plenty of VPs have gone on to become President. The thing is, Joe Biden was already old and ill in 2020, and he exhibited signs of dementia even back then. One would think that the Dems would have passed him over, since Hillary couldn’t campaign much due to her poor health. The same thing happened – Biden wasn’t seen much on the campaign trail and right-wingers mocked him for his poorly-attended campaign events (especially the one where the audience just sat in a bunch of SUVs due to the pandemic).
As I said, the only reason Biden won was due to the election fraud and the pandemic, which made the fraud much easier to commit.
Biden also comes with a lot of baggage, such as his corruption and his trashy son Hunter, but since we basically live under single-party rule at this point, it didn’t matter. The mainstream media conveniently ignored all of the Bidens’ shadiness, even going so far as to cover up the story of Hunter’s laptop and what was on it.
So they got Biden into the White House anyway. But then again, one would think they’d choose someone good as his running mate, right? Wrong.
Biden’s DEI Running Mate
So Joe promised that his running mate would not be a straight, white male, and wouldn’t even be a straight white female. His running mate would be a woman, and would not be white.
I don’t follow the Democrats all that closely but surely there were better non-white women to choose from? Even Stacey Abrams? But no, Joe chose Kamala Harris, the unpopular Senator and former Attorney General of California. She attempted to run for President in 2020 but basically came dead last, and even got pressed pretty hard by Tulsi Gabbard (who would have fit Joe’s criteria and would have been a better choice) in the Democratic primary debates, and she then basically dropped out.
I am just amazed at how he chose her and not someone more popular, or with a more positive record to run on (Kamala is famous for getting a lot of young black men incarcerated due to petty things like drug possession – not good for the ACAB crowd).
The only thing she had going for her is that she was relatively young and fairly healthy…so maybe the Dems could just, I dunno, prepare her to take over for Biden, given his (very) poor health?
Nope, which brings us to their next baffling decision.
Letting Joe Run for Re-election
Joe Biden had no business being President from the get-go, and I’m not just talking about his sketchy past and corruption. He had no business working in any capacity because he’s clearly suffering from dementia. Why on Earth did the Democrats let him run for re-election? Why did Joe or his wife/wetnurse Jill think this was a good idea? Probably because they’re power-hungry assholes. I absolutely cannot stand Joe but seriously, watching him babble and get confused on the world stage is just incredibly sad. It’s bad enough that his family and the Democrats insisted he finish his term in office, knowing how sick he is, but it’s especially bad to expect him to run for re-election.
They only got a freaking clue after Joe’s one debate with Trump, where it was very, very, very obvious that he was sick. He finally decided to exit the race, and their next decision was also baffling…
They Didn’t Prepare Kamala to Succeed Joe
Biden attempted to give Kamala Harris something to do – appointing her the “border czar” among other things – but they didn’t bother preparing her for the possibility of needing to succeed Biden in case his health deteriorated severely or if he had even passed away while in office. We should have seen her a lot more than we did these past four years, but we didn’t. She showed up to like, a couple of overseas visits (like her visit to France where Macron grinned like a lunatic while meeting with her – I don’t know what he sees in her…maybe her nonsensical word salad reminds him of his boyfriend Justin Trudeau) and may have put in an appearance at the border, but that’s it.
Now that she’s the Democratic candidate, she doesn’t have much to actually run on – we don’t know how much work she actually did as VP, and we don’t know which policies of Biden’s she intends to carry on, versus her own ideas, because she doesn’t want to talk about anything but abortion and Trump’s supposed mental illness.
They Chose Kamala to Replace Joe As Candidate
The only reason she was chosen as the official Democratic candidate is because she’s the only one who can legally use the money Biden raised while he was still in the race. I’m not joking.
Oh, and there was no real Democratic primary this past summer either – all the delegates just pledged to vote for her, and Democrats across the country didn’t even get to choose their candidate.
So the DEI pick, who has a rotten record, is deeply unpopular and wasn’t even prepared to be leader of this country ended up being the nominee for the Democrats. And now we’re supposed to just vote for her because a) she’s a Dem, b) she’s a woman, and c) she’s not white. Oh, and abortion is clearly the most important issue – who cares about being able to feed oneself or put gas in your car so you can go to work, or whatever? Nah, gotta kill babies. I don’t need to kill babies. I need to feed myself and my cats, and keep a roof over my head, and the Biden/Harris policies are making it very hard to do any of that.
Kamala’s Weird, Obscure Running Mate
So you’d think she’d pick someone decent as her running mate, right? Someone with experience, a decent record to run on, someone articulate, etc? Nope! Instead she chooses some boring white male, who may be straight, but I doubt it.
She chooses Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota, who yes, was governor of that state back in 2020 when leftists all across the country were losing their minds over George Floyd’s death. This guy had no problem with the riots that ensued because of St. Floyd’s death, and his lunatic, crazy-eyed wife was like, “I loved the smell of burning rubber! Like, it was totes awesome!!!”
This guy even made a point to tell her that he was no good at debating…and it showed when he debated JD Vance. Tampon Tim looked like a deer in the headlights all throughout the debate.
Oh, and he’s one of those crazies that wants to put tampons in the boys’ bathrooms. I guess Justine got that idea from Tampon Tim (since Trudeau, idiot that he is, has also made sure that the men’s rooms in all Canadian government buildings have tampons in them – because who cares if people can freaking feed themselves, as long as tranny freak shows can get their tampons!!!).
This guy had no name recognition before this year, and while that’s probably not that big a deal since it’s the VP position, she still could have picked someone better because she is still a rotten candidate.
Kamala’s Lack of Interviews
So she has not done a whole lot of interviews. It’s obvious as to why – she has no real platform beyond the usual Dem issues like abortion, and she has no real solution to the problems of the day, like inflation or the border crisis. Trump and Vance have been doing interviews and rallies left and right. Trump was smart enough to stick to doing podcast appearances rather than endless interviews with MSM toadies, and that’s worked out really well for him. Of course, both he and Vance were on Joe Rogan’s podcast, which got millions of views/listens each. Kamala, on the other hand, chose some random, obscure podcasts to appear on.
The mainstream media is very friendly to her, and she choked on all of the appearances she made. She did a sit-down interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, who very gently pushed her on some of her past statements, and Kamala just croaked. She couldn’t, or wouldn’t, directly answer any of the questions.
Same with the town hall she did with Anderson Cooper, who even got mildly frustrated with her annoying word salads and tendency to avoid actually answering the questions.
She also tap-danced around a question asked of her at a Univision or Telemundo town hall (can’t remember which one), which was asked of her in Spanish and the guy asking was pretty friendly, but of course, she tap-danced around that one and refused to directly answer it.
This must have been so frustrating for reasonable Democrats who, understandably, want to know what to expect from a Harris presidency.
In Conclusion
Right now, the polls look pretty favorable to Trump. He’s run an excellent campaign and it’s been a joy to watch the rallies and interviews and such. The memes have been amazing too, especially the ones where Trump saves cats and promises to avenge P’nut the squirrel. I am cautiously optimistic, because I remember feeling this way four years ago and look what happened.
I have yet to fill out my ballot, since I live in Oregon and we all mail our ballots in, and have done so for a very long time (in fact, I voted for the first time 24 years ago, in Oregon, and my dad took me to drop my ballot off – I was so proud). I’m gonna fill it out tonight and probably drop it off after work tomorrow.
I hope and pray that Trump wins. If he doesn’t, I think this very well may be the last election. There won’t be any coming back from this one.