Author: Elaine Arias

So it begins

Alrighty then.  After moping about my horrible week, I decided to do some reading.  After all, it’s a much needed distraction given all the drama that’s going on in my life at the moment. My novel, Nemesis, deals with a lot of themes.  One of them is sexual abuse.  I am sorry if the topic…

By Elaine Arias November 23, 2016 Off

The past two days have been awful

Wow, the past two days have been pretty horrible.  I don’t want to get into the details because frankly, it’s humiliating (and has nothing to do with politics…at least, I don’t think so).  I know I need to work on my book but I just have no motivation or confidence in myself anymore.

By Elaine Arias November 23, 2016 Off

“Arrival” was surprisingly pro-life

I saw the movie Arrival last night, and overall I liked it.  A couple of things kind of bugged me (this sequence where a couple of soldiers are listening to some Alex Jones type of “anti-government” show – it inspires them to do something bad.  I won’t spoil it, though), but the end was amazing.…

By Elaine Arias November 20, 2016 Off


I’ve been meaning to do this forever, and I’ve finally gotten it done.  FINALLY.  Now I have a personal blog, at this domain I’ve been paying for forever, and I’ve even added a page with the summaries of the three books I am currently working on. Now comes the long, arduous work of learning how…

By Elaine Arias November 18, 2016 0