Leftist Fantasy Murder Porn

Leftist Fantasy Murder Porn

August 15, 2019 0 By Elaine Arias

Okay, so I am a little late to this, but after reading some reactions to this situation, I just wanted to have my say.

I am, of course, talking about that movie The Hunt and how it got cancelled by Universal Studios.

Here is a synopsis from IMDb:

Twelve strangers wake up in a clearing. They don’t know where they are, or how they got there. They don’t know they’ve been chosen – for a very specific purpose – The Hunt.

Simple, and no mention of “deplorables” or anything like that. I watched the trailer, of which is embedded below:

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A few things I noticed: one, the heroine – the one person who knows how “the game” is played, is a white woman. Two, none of the victims are minorities – no Asians, Hispanics, black people…just white people of varying ages. The third thing I noticed is that the so-called Manor isn’t even located in the US – the Manor and its hunting grounds are somewhere in Europe.

The Heroine basically rallies the victims into fighting back against the hunters, led by the character played by Hilary Swank, who insists that these people are not humans.

Then I found a teaser trailer that had been posted about a month ago, and figured out where the “satire” part might have come in:

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Now, think about this for a moment – rich leftists, particularly the Hollywood sort, aren’t known for hunting. Sure, there are plenty of leftists in this country – both rich and poor – who partake in hunting, but good rich leftists are never, ever portrayed as hunters in Hollywood films.

My guess is that the whole film is supposed to be some sort of paranoid fantasy on the part of right-wingers. Or that the Hilary Swank character is secretly a rich Republican who hates poor people and that the poor people are stupid for voting for people that want to kill them along with minorities or whatever.

But, you’d have to watch the movie to be absolutely sure as to what it’s actually saying, and now that it’s been cancelled (not that I believe that it won’t get released…it will…I’ll expand on that later), we will never know unless it gets leaked.

The Reasons for Cancellation

The official reason is that the release of the film (which was slated for September 27) was insensitive, given the shootings in Dayton and El Paso. Of course, we know that that isn’t the real reason.

However, there were other reasons. President Trump mentioned the film without actually naming it, which, I am sure, contributed to its cancellation.

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But, according to this obviously biased Hollywood Reporter article, the film was probably no good anyway, and would have flopped. There’s the obligatory “right-wingers threatened to kill the producers and they were so scared so that’s why they cancelled the movie” bullshit too:

Behind Universal’s Call to Scrap ‘The Hunt’: Death Threats, Negative Test Screening Feedback

On the evening of Aug. 6, Universal Pictures held a test screening of its thriller-satire The Hunt at a crowded theater in the San Fernando Valley. It was the second such screening, and some test audience members were again expressing discomfort with the politics of the Jason Blum-produced film, a source familiar with the feedback tells The Hollywood Reporter.

(archive link)

Also, according to IndieWire, they were considering its cancellation before Trump’s tweet:

Exclusive: Universal’s Decision to Cancel ‘The Hunt’ Release Was Made Before Trump Criticism

The studio had already made the decision to pull the film even before the President started tweeting about it. The decision by Universal to remove Blumhouse Prods.’ ” The Hunt ” from its planned September 27 release had the earmarks for a knee-jerk reaction to the controversy provoked by Fox Cable News and Donald Trump.

(archive link)

The Response to Universal’s Cancellation

Now, I love John Nolte, but his take was just flat-out stupid. No, I don’t like censorship and I think Universal should have released it anyway, but it’s interesting how he thinks that the only reason the film was cancelled was because of “cry-bullies”. That’s not the only reason, as I outlined above.

Nolte: Universal’s Cancellation of ‘The Hunt’ Encourages the Next Mass Shooter

Universal’s decision to cancel The Hunt is just one more example of how our entire American culture is geared toward encouraging even more mass-shootings. Sorry, it is not enough to not publicize their names – sorry, it just isn’t. That’s not what these losers want.

You can’t say that movies have no influence on real-world violence and then state that the cancellation of a mediocre Blumhouse film will “encourage” the next mass shooter. If anything ends up encouraging the next mass shooter, it’s the endless coverage from the mainstream media.

And we didn’t cancel anything. I had nothing to do with its cancellation, although I am not busted up about it. There’s plenty of films like it. If you need your fantasy murder porn, there’s more to choose from.

We’ve Seen This Before

This is nothing new. Christians and right-wingers have long since been the boogeymen of Hollywood, their favorite go-to villains. Ordinarily, it’s the evil conservative Christians killing people for sport, as the plots for these wretched films demonstrate:

Red State

Set in Middle America, a group of teens receive an online invitation for sex, though they soon encounter fundamentalists with a much more sinister agenda.

“Fundamentalists” is always code for Christians. I haven’t seen this one, and I have no desire to see it. It was released in 2011. You might find it on a streaming site if you have to see it.

The Purge

I actually include the whole franchise, but I’ve only seen one film in this wretched franchise. The first one was released in 2013, and had a simple premise:

A wealthy family are held hostage for harboring the target of a murderous syndicate during the Purge, a 12-hour period in which any and all crime is legal.

It’s a home-invasion thriller, and the politics of it are kind of in the background, until you get to the very end. The real killers are their fellow richies, all of whom are white (and, presumably, Republican and supportive of the New Founding Fathers). The rest of the franchise seems to have gotten overly political. The first one was enough for me.

Assassination Nation

A bunch of sluts get butthurt when their nudes are leaked, and they decide to go murder all the evil prudes in the town of – get this – Salem, Massachusetts. Here’s the actual synopsis:

After a malicious data hack exposes the secrets of the perpetually American town of Salem, chaos descends and four girls must fight to survive, while coping with the hack themselves.

This one flopped at the box office, and is now on Hulu, if you’re curious.

God Bless America

Not sure about this one.

On a mission to rid society of its most repellent citizens, terminally ill Frank makes an unlikely accomplice in 16-year-old Roxy.

The title just made me think of “evil white trash Rethuglicans killing innocent brown people cuz muh racism” but reading the full synopsis, the character Frank is sick of kids being disrespectful and trashy reality television. I haven’t seen this one either. Based on the user reviews at IMDb, I’m not wrong for including this film – one reviewer claims that Frank is a “liberal man who fights his cause with right-wing methods to find a stage to air his liberal views” because, of course, Republicans are responsible for American Idol and garbage reality TV, and only Republicans shoot people, or something. That must mean Chicago is chock-full of Republicans, based on such asinine non-logic.

I encourage you to read the reviews of this film at IMDb. You’ll realize why conservatives were so concerned that The Hunt would encourage the wanton murder of conservatives. People are cheering God Bless America for Frank murdering a conservative commentator, some Westboro Baptist Church types and others guilty of wrong think.


BUSHWICK tells the story of twenty-year- old Lucy (Snow) and war veteran Stupe (Bautista). Texas, and other states (mostly Southern) are trying to secede from the U.S., and NYC is being used as a negotiation tool. Lucy meets Stupe after coming up from the subway into the military invasion of Brooklyn. Together they decide to cross the treacherous five blocks of Bushwick – littered with looters, local militias and the invading forces, in order to get home and be reunited with Lucy’s grandmother.

This one is a little different, but as you can see in the synopsis above, the Southern states are trying to secede, so, for some stupid reason, the US military invades New York City. I haven’t seen this either, but want to bet that the US military are racist assholes who kill all the brown people they can find? And why is NYC a bargaining chip in this civil war? Do leftists really think that Southerners give a flying fuck about NYC? I’m not even from the South and even I’ll tell you to fucking keep NYC.

According to the IMDb reviews, however, the actual civil war and the politics that drove the country to such is forgotten, and the film is a generic survival thriller.

Why I’m Not Busted Up About the Cancellation

I think it should be released, but I am fine with it not being released. First of all, the buzz about the film is that it’s not that good, for whatever reason. It’s no big loss to the world. Secondly, the theme, if it indeed is a film glorifying the slaughter of conservatives. And thirdly – and this is the most important reason for me – its producer, Jason Blum, is a raging asshole who literally wants to kill all conservatives, the President, his administration and everyone that supports him:

HOLLYWEIRD’ S JASON BLUM fantasizes about killing “Deplorables” and “the current administration.”

Uploaded by ComicArtistPro Secrets on 2019-08-13.

Jason Blum is why the 2nd Amendment is so important. Come try and kill me, asshole. I know where my grandfather keeps his rifle.

And another thing…I would ordinarily be more upset about the cancellation if it weren’t for the fact that Hollywood is extremely biased – look at how difficult it was to get Gosnell and Unplanned up and running. A film showing Republicans slaughtering ANTIFA types in defense or something could never, ever be made because it violates the delicate sensibilities of the asshole Democrats running the film industry. A film showing how vile abortion is could never be released by a major film studio for the same reasons.

They can release films that either revel in murdering people like me, or films that depict people like me as evil murderers with no morals, empathy or compassion. So excuse the fuck out of me if I’m not gung-ho about defending the rights of a bunch of assholes that literally want me dead. Fuck every one of them with a rusty chainsaw.

Will It Ever Be Released?

Of course it will. I believe that it’ll be released within a year. I have a couple of predictions – one, that it’ll get a limited theatrical release in late October, and will swiftly go to VOD or a streaming service. Universal is gearing up for their own streaming service, according to IndieWire, so it might show up there.

Second prediction is that it’ll go straight to VOD or a streaming service either later this year (November or December) or sometime later next year.

Oh, and I have a third one, but this is a long-shot – the film will be leaked (films rarely leak but it has happened before), will become popular on pirate sites and the studio will eventually release it in some form so that they can make money off of it.

So it’ll probably get released in some way, and probably soon-ish.

In the meantime, if you gotta have some leftist fantasy murder porn, check out the films I listed above.