Here we go again
Another day, another “problematic” book. I hate that word, by the way. “Problematic.” SJWs love using it.
First, it was Keira Drake. Then it was Laurie Forest. Along the way they tried to torpedo recent releases by Veronica Roth and Maggie Stiefvater, both of whom are more established YA authors. And now it’s Laura Moriarty’s turn.
To be honest, her upcoming YA novel American Heart sounds like pro-Muslim, anti-American propaganda. Poor widdle Muslims are put into internment camps cuz whitey is eeeeeevil and the main character, who is white, meets some innocent Muslim girl and realizes just how wonderful and peaceful they all are, and how purely evil everyone else is.
So, what’s the problem? Leftists eat this shit up with a spoon. They love this crap. Well, not in 2017. Maybe this would have been all the rage in, say, 2005, when eeeeeevil Bush was in office, but not now, because now the rules are even more strict than they were…well, ever.
The problem with this book, according to the fat, blue-haired hambeast SJWs is that this book employs the so-called “white savior” trope. An example of the reviews:
This…thing is completely unaware that her very “review” (I highly doubt she even read the book) is just another example of the “white savior” trope. After all, do her poor widdle Muslims really need her to come to their defense? Are they not capable of defending themselves?
But this isn’t all. Oh no. Kirkus originally gave this book a starred review, but changed it after the backlash. This book, which will be published by Harper Collins, went through the SJW Sensitivity Reading Gauntlet, and Kirkus even subjected it to their Muslim reviewers. None of this was good enough for the spoiled rotten SJWs, though. Kirkus caved like the cowards they are. Oddly enough, they stood by their starred review of Laurie Forest’s The Black Witch. Looks like this time they couldn’t take the heat.
Vulture has the explanation behind the altered review. This one paragraph stood out to me:
“And while the Muslim woman who wrote the original review was involved in the editing process — “the decision to retract the star was made in full collaboration with the reviewer,” he says — altering the review does not appear to have been her idea in the first place. According to Smith, Kirkus concluded internally that edits would be made before reaching out to the reviewer.”
Really? The original review was written by a Muslim woman. According to Vulture, it seems that it was not the original reviewer’s decision to remove the star and alter the review. Interesting. Sounds like more “white savior” bullshit to me. I mean that only to hold these people to their own standards. I wonder if the woman was pressured or even bullied into agreeing with the removal of the star and the edit of the review. How could she not have seen the so-called “white savior” trope in the story? Can you imagine these white Kirkus editors sitting this Muslim woman down and condescendingly explaining to her that her original review was wrong because she wasn’t outraged by the fact that the protagonist of the story was a white girl? These people are hypocrites by their own standards.
Oh, and this is just hilarious:
“Kirkus’s critics are skeptical of that claim; among the more cynical takes on the controversy is that Kirkus used the reviewer’s identity as a shield, only to then suppress her voice when it didn’t toe the line. Smith bristles at that: “It’s like no one believes that this reviewer has a mind and can change her opinion. Is that so difficult to believe?””
Is it so difficult to believe that perhaps a member of the Victim Class might not have given much of a shit about “white savior” tropes in the first place? Yeah, she can change her mind. But in this case, I highly doubt it. Given how the left acts on a regular basis, I believe that it is entirely plausible that this woman was shamed and bullied into “changing” her mind. It’s so blatantly obvious that the woman’s “voice” was suppressed, and, in all likelihood, by a bunch of white infidels.
It is also crystal clear that the star was removed because of the “white savior” thing, and the douchebag editor even admits to it:
“When I ask if the book’s star was revoked explicitly and exclusively because it features a Muslim character seen from the perspective of a white teenager, Smith pauses for only a second: “Yes.””
This is just wrong. It is so wrong it’s not even funny. The skin color or ethnicity of the characters shouldn’t be more important than the overall message. As far as leftist propaganda goes, this book is pretty solid. It shows a white girl realizing that non-whites are people too, and that they don’t deserve to be shoved into internment camps simply because of who they are. Just a few years ago this premise would have been solid, and everyone would have loved it. The original reviewer had no problems with it. Initially, anyway. But now, you can’t tell a story from a white person’s perspective anymore if it involves members of the Victim Class. Never mind the fact that it might be persuasive and get people to take up your cause. It’s not perfect. Not to mention that if Laura Moriarty had written it from the Muslim girl’s point of view, it’d still be problematic because Laura Moriarty is white. You can’t fucking win with these people. There’s no point in playing their bullshit game anymore. I cannot emphasize this enough: fuck these assholes. Write what you want.
I am so glad I’m not one of them. Truly. Being a liberal, or SJW or progressive or whatever they’re called this week must be exhausting at best. It’s like living in the Soviet Union or some other totalitarian regime where people are constantly spying and snitching on each other. It’s crazy, and look at how quickly these people fold. The only time they ever stand their ground is when they’re opposing us.
Whether or not this will have a serious effect on the Democratic party and their ability to win elections, time will tell. I truly hope that this is the end of Democratic dominance. It should be, if these people can’t even get along with one another. Their party unity used to be one of their very few good traits. No matter what happened, they generally circled the wagons and closed ranks. Now, I have yet to hear about some DemonRat getting primaried because they weren’t sufficiently liberal (I refuse to use that popular “w” word. I refuse). But who knows…perhaps 2018 will be the year the SJWs finally turn on their politicians.
Back to the topic, though. So far, the book’s publication will go forward. It’s due to hit bookstores in January, 2018. I’ve been trying to find an ARC on eBay, in case the publisher changes their minds. Haven’t been successful. As for this book, I am not so sure I even want to read it. One might be tempted to pre-order the book just to stick it to the left, but this time…I’m not so sure. I actually did purchase The Black Witch and the prequel novella Wandfasted but I haven’t finished it. Haven’t started on Wandfasted either. If American Heart is cancelled, I might try to find an ARC, but I don’t think it will be necessary if it is.
Anyway, write what you want (do your research, obviously, but you should always do research no matter what you write). Write books about black people if you’re white. Write books about Japanese people if you’re Hispanic. Write books about gay people if you’re straight. As long as your story is respectful and realistic, nobody but SJWs are going to bitch about it. We need to stop caving to these totalitarian monsters. They’re all a bunch of unemployed, ornery asshole losers with no sense of humor. Nobody should give a shit about what they say, except to laugh at them.