Category: Writing

Burn The Heretic

So it’s happening again. Another author – a debut one, as usual – has been accused of racism and is currently being pressured into canceling her debut novel. The author is Rebecca Mix, and the title of her book is The Ones We Burn. It is scheduled to be published November 1, 2022, so we’ve…

By Elaine Arias July 21, 2022 0

Write What You Want

Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash I have said this to myself over and over again – write what you want. You cannot please everyone. It is folly to even try. Another thing that needs to be said is “don’t apologize to nutjobs.” However, that message just doesn’t resonate with someone who is absolutely sure…

By Elaine Arias February 7, 2019 0

We’re human beings, you know.

Photo by Nonsap Visuals on Unsplash So, I feel as if someone lit a firecracker beneath me or something, because wow.  I am irritated.  I have been, dare I say, triggered.  I am not proud of being triggered, but unlike the left, I will try to be more constructive about it.  Hence this post. Earlier this morning I came…

By Elaine Arias July 24, 2018 Off

Happy MAGA Day!

Update 11/13/17:  MAGA 2020 & Beyond has been mentioned on PJ Media.  Any press will be added to this post.  I am very excited for this! I’ve had a really rough week, but today is a momentous day for me.  Sure, I got into my first really nasty fight on Gab, and I feel deeply…

By Elaine Arias November 8, 2017 Off

MAGA 2020 and Beyond

So, in an earlier post, I mentioned something about a big announcement.  Well, this is that big announcement. I have written a story for this anthology, called MAGA:  2020 and Beyond.  Click the title to pre-order the Kindle edition.  Right now, it is $4.99.  The anthology is obviously pro-Trump, and the stories and essays within…

By Elaine Arias September 28, 2017 Off

I’m Not Dead

The past couple of weeks have been busy and stressful.  I wrote about this on Gab, I think, but a couple of weeks ago I went to California to visit family, and recruited some family members as beta readers for Nemesis.  So far they like it.  I am going to have to call them this week…

By Elaine Arias September 19, 2017 Off

Just Took an Important Step

I live on the East Coast, but was born and raised on the West Coast.  I just came back from a week-long vacation, where I visited my relatives.  While there I recruited my family members – three to be exact- as beta readers for the fifth draft of the tentatively titled Nemesis. I am nervous and…

By Elaine Arias August 31, 2017 Off

Maybe this is a good thing

Superversive SF linked to a Vulture article about the Twitter furore over The Black Witch by Laurie Forest.  It’s called “The Toxic Drama on YA Twitter.”  I still have yet to finish the book, by the way.  I have to admit, it’s way too preachy for my taste.  Just way too much, and it’s not fun…

By Elaine Arias August 8, 2017 Off

A post about social anxiety disorder

I posted something on Medium called “You can’t just turn it off.”  It’s about my, uh, struggle with social anxiety disorder (so there’s one reason you can’t post comments on my blog).  It’s short.  I mentioned things I didn’t really want to mention, but helping erase the stigma surrounding mental illness in general is really important…

By Elaine Arias May 22, 2017 Off