The Biggest Misconceptions about Republicans and the Right

November 25, 2017 Off By Elaine Arias


Okay, I am sick of the media and other leftists lying about the Right, so I am here to set the record straight.

We’re anti-immigration

It really depends on who you’re talking to. There’s some within the alt-right that want all immigration halted. There’s neocon dweebies within the Republican establishment that want open borders and amnesty simply because they like the cheap labor.

However, the vast majority of us are strictly against what is called illegal immigration. If you overstay your visa, you’ve illegally immigrated to this country. If you crossed into the border from Mexico or Canada without beginning the process (which starts by submitting a petition to our government) then you are an illegal immigrant.

However, if you’ve done the immigration process and took your oath to become a citizen, we have no problem with you. You cannot be deported because you are a citizen. Only those that remain in this country without a valid visa, green card or actual citizenship are the ones that would get deported.

The media loves to conflate legal immigrants with illegal immigrants, and this is because it serves the whole “Republicans are bigots” narrative. No, we aren’t bigots. We just don’t appreciate arrogant, entitled lawbreakers living in our country.

We’re racist

No, we aren’t. Yes, most Republicans are white. So what? Statistically, that will always be the case simply because whites are still the majority race in this country. That does not mean that all whites or even a sizable majority of whites are racist. That, in and of itself, is racist.

Yes, black, Asian, Hispanic and other non-white Republicans exist. I am one of them. I’ve been a Republican all my adult life. I am not voting against my best interests because the Democrats have absolutely nothing to offer me. My interests include a strong national defense, a healthy and prosperous economy, small, efficient government and lots of personal liberty combined with personal responsibility. I have no interest in living on welfare, in Section 8 housing or feeding myself using food stamps. I don’t need reparations from white people. I do not need to be protected from white people. I do not need nor do I want affirmative action. I do not need the government to address any grievances I have because I’m a big girl who can take care of herself.

It’s interesting how the left attacks us for wanting to either reform entitlement programs, believing that we only want to do so because we’re racist (since, according to their logic, blacks and Hispanics use those programs more than anybody), and yet on occasion, they love to point out to us that a lot of white people use those programs too.

The race and ethnicity of the people using those programs is irrelevant. If they become too expensive or ineffective, they either must be reformed or they must be scrapped. That has nothing to do with wanting brown people to starve.

There are a handful of people on the Right – mostly alt-righters – who do have nothing but contempt for blacks and Hispanics (usually citing genetics, crime rates and average IQ), but they are hardly the majority.

We hate women

No, we do not. We don’t like feminazis. Or militant feminists, if you prefer. We don’t like the kind of feminists that blame all men for all the ills of the world. We don’t like unrealistic portrayals of women (please. A woman, no matter how tall and muscular, cannot go all kung-fu on a group of men. Just, no.) We don’t like man haters.

Furthermore, not all Republicans think women should remain eternally barefoot and pregnant. Some – in fact, many Republicans will tell you that a mother is better off staying home and taking care of their children, and they’ll usually cite a lot of statistics at you to back up their beliefs. That doesn’t mean they think women are somehow inferior to men – they believe that a mother’s nurturing nature is important for the raising of children.

Some Republican women, however, do work, even if they have children. My mother was one of them. She worked throughout my childhood and through most of my adulthood until she got sick. When my baby brother (who is now a teen; he’ll be sixteen this year. Time really flies by) was born, she took time off from work to care for him while he was an infant, then went back to work and then eventually had to go on disability once her health deteriorated. She is now trying to get back to work.

But yeah, plenty of Republican women work. Some do it because they like to, and some work out of necessity. We Republicans believe that it’s okay for a woman to work, and that it’s okay for a woman to stay home. It’s a choice every family has to make for themselves. None of us advocate making it illegal for a woman to work.

I work. I do not have children and I am not married, so I have to work. If and when I get married, I might, or I might not. I am grateful that I have the opportunity and right to decide.

I do not label myself a feminist because I believe abortion is abhorrent and evil. There are some Republican women who are pro-choice, but most of us are pro-life. I simply call myself anti-abortion because I have no problem with the death penalty.

Speaking of abortion…

We hate abortion because we want to punish women for liking sex

Um, no. NO. You’d think that, wouldn’t you? Abortion ends a life – it kills a human being at the most vulnerable stage of life. We hate abortion because it’s wrong. We see it as murder and there’s a lot of scientific data to support our position.

We do not hold this position in order to control women or punish women.

We want to restrict access to contraception or ban it outright

Okay, no Republican has ever wanted to ban contraception – certainly not within the past twenty years.

Expecting you to pay for something is not “restricting” or “denying” access. So, if I expect you to pay for a MacBook Pro am I denying you access to a MacBook Pro? How is that any different from contraception? And if you’re going to say “it’s because I need birth control pills and can’t afford them” I’m going to reply, “well, you need food and water far more than you need birth control pills, so why aren’t you whining about being expected to pay for apples at Walmart is tantamount to being denied access to healthy food?”

One of my biggest problems with Obamacare was the HHS mandate that contraception had to be covered. In fact, a lot of stupid stuff was mandated for every single plan sold through the marketplace, which drove up premium costs. A single man should not have to pay for contraceptions or maternity care, especially for the latter. But under Obamacare, he has to. It’s utterly ludicrous.

You cannot call yourself a fierce, independent woman whilst depending on total strangers to subsidize your sex life. You simply can’t. I don’t want to subsidize your contraception. I do not believe that other people should be forced to subsidize your contraception, especially if they believe that contraception is bad.

We’re anti-science

For the trillionth time, NO WE AREN’T. First of all, stop acting as if climate change/global warming/global cooling/catastrophe that we need to use to scare people into paying more taxes or whatever the hell they’re calling it this week constitutes the entirety of science, because it doesn’t.

It’s cute how it’s gone from global warming to climate change. Kind of like how abortion is magically transformed into “reproductive rights” or “women’s health” and such. The whole “Republicans don’t believe in climate change” is a straw man so that leftists can crow “see, conservatives are STUPID because they deny science!”

We never said that climate change isn’t happening. We said, at first, that there was no scientific evidence to prove that human activity was making the planet get hotter. Now we’re saying that there’s no scientific evidence to prove that human activity is causing the climate to change. The climate will change regardless, and we have little to no control over it. It’s changed before and it will change again until our planet is destroyed (probably by our sun swelling up into a red giant – Mercury, Venus and Earth will simply be in the way, and we’ll be swallowed up or torn into pieces).

Our stance on climate change doesn’t mean that we hate the environment or animals. In fact, I personally hate littering. I hate seeing garbage along the highway or in parking lots or anywhere else, really. I abhor littering so much that I’d rather stuff my napkins in my purse or pocket than drop it on the ground. I bet a great deal of these stupid climate change alarmists aren’t that dedicated to avoiding litter.

Furthermore, I love science (and history). I love astronomy in particular. I love reading about planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, dark matter, quasars, pulsars, novas and supernovas. It’s fascinating. I even like reading about evolution on occasion, and how fascinating it is that humans and animals have evolved thanks to our environment.

But the climate change thing…if you look really hard, and get past all the bullshit propaganda, you’ll find that there isn’t really that much to worry about. The planet is not dramatically warming up. We aren’t going to become Venus anytime soon.

Even if this were true, where are the solutions? Surely someone would have come up with something by now, but the only solution is to tax wealthy countries in the West to financially compensate third-world countries. If we haven’t found the Great Solution to climate change, what makes you think that extra money will suddenly enable these third-world countries to prepare themselves for the supposed calamity?

And why haven’t Hollywood actors started living as if the Great Calamity is going to happen tomorrow? They spew lots of carbon dioxide. They probably use hundreds of gallons of water each month, they probably wear leather, they drive ordinary gas guzzlers, they eat meat, and they have multiple homes all over the world that use shitloads of electricity, yet, ZOMG WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE TOMORROW!!!

You know those televangelists you keep rolling your eyes at? You know, the ones like Jack Van Impe, who keep predicting doom that only Jesus Christ can save you from? Yeah, that’s how I view Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio. A bunch of Jerry Falwells and Jack Van Impes all over the TV, begging us to send some money so they can keep preaching the Gospel. And, to be honest, I have a hell of a lot more respect for televangelists than I do these lousy environmental hypocrites.

Your Enviro-preachers don’t even take their own message seriously. Why should I, or anyone else for that matter? And if you’re going to say, “well, the message is just that important!” Then I will say, “Well, Jesus Christ still died on the cross for your sins. It doesn’t matter if Catholic priests molestsed children and it doesn’t matter if Jim Bakker fucked some secretary while still married to Tammy and preaching the Gospel on TV. Jesus didn’t do any of those things, so their actions don’t invalidate His message.”

But you won’t become a Christian nor will you ever show any respect and common decency to Christians, but you’ll still expect me and everyone else to give up our money and liberty to fight climate change. That makes you a hypocrite.