Category: Politics

Some libs are finally starting to get it

I found this op-ed on Gab, entitled “The backlash to political correctness was inevitable“, published by the Toronto Sun.  I mostly agree with it, but I wanted to address some things that irritated me.  (I linked to the mobile version, as the ads on the desktop version are highly annoying). After addressing the fact that…

By Elaine Arias February 26, 2017 Off

The Left Claims Another Scalp

Milo Yiannopolous’s book Dangerous, originally slated for a March 2017 release, has now been canceled.  His publisher was Simon & Schuster, on the Threshold Editions imprint.  Cucks.  Total cucks, but that is no surprise.  At all. I also want to note that the release of the book had been pushed to a June 2017 release before…

By Elaine Arias February 20, 2017 Off

Free Speech and Platforms

So recently, Christina Applegate posted a series of tweets complaining about how many Trump supporters and others on the Right hate it when celebrities make political statements.  She said – quite rightly, although I am reluctant to give this stupid woman any credit at all – that they were entitled to an opinion and had…

By Elaine Arias February 2, 2017 Off

Why can’t they leave the kids alone?

I could honestly write a book about Democrats and their double standards.  I really could. So, ever since Trump was elected, leftists have said vicious things about Trump’s wife and children.  Most of his children are adults (Ivanka and I are roughly the same age), except for Barron, who is ten years old. I can…

By Elaine Arias January 27, 2017 Off

So yesterday was pretty awesome

I’m on a three-day mini vacation, and spent most of yesterday on the road.  I did, however, livestream the President and the Vice-President’s swearing in (and then turned it off, missing Jackie Evancho’s performance of our national anthem…will definitely watch it tonight). It was amazing.  I felt so overwhelmingly proud to be an American, and…

By Elaine Arias January 21, 2017 Off

About last night

Ugh.  I’ve already mentioned one idiot actor on this blog, and now I’m about to foul it up with another one.  So yes, everyone is talking about fake Margaret Thatcher’s ridiculous, hammy performance at some stupid awards show last night.  Boo hoo, actors are sooooooo vilified!  By the way, back in November I wrote a…

By Elaine Arias January 9, 2017 Off

Hey snobs – you’re on notice!

One of the things that pleases me greatly about this past election is the complete and utter repudiation of the snobs in our society.  You know.  The ones that live in big cities and on either coasts.  Some of them are Canadians living in Toronto or wherever.  Any cosmopolitan, brightly lit city – that’s where…

By Elaine Arias December 2, 2016 Off